Soldano SLO-100 | One HELL Of An Amplifier

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What can I say..... it’s one of the best amps I’ve ever tried. If you can afford one, it’s a MUST for high gain players!

00:00 - Introduction
00:48 - Overview
03:02 - MK2 Changes
07:30 - Clean tones with Strat
12:15 - Clean tones with Duvell Custom
13:53 - Crunch with Strat
16:28 - Crunch more gain with Strat
17:46 - Crunch with Les Paul
20:55 - Pushed clean on crunch with Duvell Custom
25:00 - Overdrive with Duvell Custom
26:34 - Overdrive with FM6
29:30 - Overdrive with Les Paul
31:30 - Summary

Video edited by John Hollingworth

#soldano #slo100 #rabeaafro

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Hey guys, I’m Rabea. I'm the lead guitarist in Toska, Frog Leap & Dorje where I write music, make songs and have a great time with my mates. I also have my own line of guitars with Chapman Guitars, and I’ve designed numerous products with some really cool companies, such as the Victory Amps VX Kraken. Anyway, i hope you enjoy my videos, thank you for watching!

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Rabea Massaad - Grinding Gears EP

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Peace & Love
Рекомендации по теме

You must have spent the longest time anyone has ever spent demoing the clean channel of an SLO100, ever...didn’t even know they had one lol


New to this channel but not to the SLO, I felt my blood pressure go down and my body slowly get into sleep mode when I heard that most soothing low gain overdriven sound at 18:10 or so... Such a beauty... I love your Les Paul.


What are you using for the reverb. I hear around @8:07 ish. Sounds amazing but no chance that’s the amp straight up.


Well I’ll be damned, last time I was this early, my gf complained for weeks..


So happy to see Soldano getting all of this publicity again. Well deserved.


Damn haven't watched a vid of Rabea in a while, he's looking healthy man.


Wow...I know Soldano's were renown for their distortion, but I was really impressed by the range of Fender-like clean and lightly crunchy tones.


Mike Soldano is and will always be a legend in the circuit world, period.


Rabea has the best gear reviews on the web. He takes the time to show everything the gear has to offer. He understands it not about his preferences. He says, if this your thing great, if it’s not, here is something else. This isn’t the format to be silly (although I enjoy that content as well) If I had gear to sell and needed a demonstrator this cat would be first choice.


Great demo! I've been a fan of the SLO since I first played one here in Los Angeles back in '86. I was at a boutique amp shop in Hollywood and it was pretty much the height of Cali Crunch, which is basically a really hot Marshall kind of sound, EL34 all the way. What I loved about the SLO is just the sheer solidity of the thing. Every tone was gorgeous, and the amp was not overly complex to operate. At the time I owned a Marshall stack and several friends in the shred community were trying to get me to use their amp techs for a mod. I decided I didn't want to get a mod because of all the horror stories I heard. Also, my Marshall was still under warranty and I didn't want to void it, which modding would do. There were difference schools of the Cali tone, by which I mean the post VH/Lynch/Demartini era, so mid to late 80s. The top mod guys in town at the time were Mike Soldano, who built his rep doing great mods for some big names before launching his own line; Jose Arredondo, who did Eddie's amps, as well as Demartini, Jake E. Lee, Mick Mars and many others; Reinhold Bogner who was yet to produce the Ecstasy, although he'd produced the Ecstasy pedal and did amazing mods; Jerry Blaha (he did amazing work on a friend's plexi); and probably the most popular, Lee Jackson of Metaltronix. There are probably other amp experts, but I can't remember them. I don't know of Steve Fryette's rep for mods but he certainly made a name for himself with the VHT (now Fryette) Pitbull. Basically, the 80s was amp paradise. I got to try everything and owned a number of fine amps myself including Boogies. There are many high gain amps to choose from, more than ever before. But what I go for is the quality of the gain. I'm not a big fan of Rectos or Boogie Mark III, IV and Vs. I prefer a brighter, more natural sort of gain, like what you can get from a Soldano or Bogner.


Excellent demo Rabea. This is how you demo an amp to show its versatility, using various guitars with single coil and humbucker pick ups, as well as different genres of music. This is how you capture a larger audience of musicians with their varied taste in music while featuring the amp's ability to master the different genres. Well done!


This amp sounds like a million dollar. Absolutely fantastic piece of gear!


I'm very biased but to me the Les Paul Custom was the best sounding guitar/amp combination here. Incredible.


It's soooo good that the video has been re-uploaded lol


How do you compare it to the Friedman Be100 Deluxe?
I thought you were raving about that amp (as well)


It’s really not only the best amplifier this is also one of the best demos of a high gain amp. You hit a wide range of genres which shows the amp off well. I think it was great that you didn’t even venture into the overdrive channel until halfway through the video. Great job. Cheers!


The tone and playing at 15:00 had my jaw on the floor. Holy goddamn smokes that Strat sounds good through basically everything you've ever shown us, but damn it sound glorious through that Soldano!


Holy crap, that sounds phenomenal. I saw High On Fire a little while ago - Matt Pike was playing through Soldano heads, the sound was unbelievable.


So I guess I have to re-up my original comment??!?
Great review!!
You’ve done like a thousand amp reviews, so how about a top 7-10 amps? Maybe even top tube and top digital? My list of amps to but is to long. I need to narrow it down to 1 or 3 !!


(Plugs in the Les Paul)

Me: (wondering why it’s 1990 and I’m on the sunset strip)

Those tones just instantly took me there. What an amp.
