Install and Run Multiple Versions of Python | pyenv

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In this video, I have demonstrated how you can install and run multiple versions of python in Linux using pyenv. pyenv is a wonderful tool for managing multiple Python versions.

At the end of the run while you are installing pyenv, you must need to add pyenv to the path. For me, as I already installed before, it was not needed. The export path will appear at end of terminal when pyenv is being installed. Refer to pyenv github page for more information.

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#python #pyenv #datasciencebasics #multiplepythonversion
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Hey there, thanks for great videos!

* 3.9.17 (set by /Users/reez/.pyenv/version)
Python 3.11.3
zsh: command not found: python
Python 3.11.3

Even after setting the global version to 3.9, the 'system' still uses version 3.11. Any ideas on how to fix it?
