SwiftUI Architectures: Building maintainable Apps with Declarative UI
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A good architecture is crucial to the maintainability, testability, and consistency of an application.
With the introduction of SwiftUI, Apple has taken a giant step towards Declarative UI which is quite appreciated in the community. However, there is a catch: it is breaking many existing app architectures relying on UIKit’s imperative style. The reason: SwiftUI is declarative. As a result, switching to SwiftUI forces us to adapt our app architecture. The question is: How?!
With the introduction of SwiftUI, Apple has taken a giant step towards Declarative UI which is quite appreciated in the community. However, there is a catch: it is breaking many existing app architectures relying on UIKit’s imperative style. The reason: SwiftUI is declarative. As a result, switching to SwiftUI forces us to adapt our app architecture. The question is: How?!