What I Do on the 2nd Day of School | High School Teacher Vlog

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I just put out a "What I Do on the 1st Day of School" video so I thought I'd make a video about the often overlooked 2nd day of school.

There is a lot here and I tried to be as clear as possible. If you have any questions please let me know.

ALSO, what do you do on the second day of school? Please leave your answers in the comment section below.



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As a new teacher, I was stressing about seating charts and trying to implement flexible seating in the classroom. Flexible seating can be EXPENSIVE!! I'm relieved to see that even cool teachers start off the year with desks and seating charts.


I’m so happy to hear your philosophy on no homework. As a mom and middle school teacher, this makes learning life stress free!


I am a new teacher- this will be my second year teaching grade 6. Last year was the most rewarding work I have ever done. I built very strong relationships with my kids and feel that it was by being real with them and because I was myself. I didn’t often need to discipline because we respected each other and often in place of discipline we could poke fun at each other and make light of most situations. I am aware of my newness and sometimes second guessed myself but watching you helps ground me and know to be true to my teaching style of regardless of whether it is different from the norm.


Love the syllabus style. Over half of our students are ELLs and speak a different language at home. That style of syllabus is perfect.


Hahahahah "seizure at the back of a bus". Oh that was a good one lol


Career changing brand new teacher with ZERO experience and starting in a month. Your videos have been a godsend. I have been watching all of these and I'm finally getting to the point where I can actually draw up a classroom management plan rather than knowing vaguely I need one. Thank you so much!


Hi Reynolds, I've just started teaching at a high school in China, just south of Shanghai. I'm not a first-time teacher (20 years actually) but it was very refreshing to watch this video and the First Day one. Everything you say resonates with me, and I too have adopted a similar seating arrangement system that you explained. I have a tiny room that would be ideal for 15 tiny desks for an English/ICT class, but in actuality, there's twice the number plus half a dozen. So I'm forced to have them in rows, except that I have two rows of 8 pairs of desks that face each other, and a giant smartboard that stands at one end of the room. So they don't face me at the "front", which suits me fine because I don't lecture to them in the 19th-20th century-style of teaching. But they do need to turn their heads to the other side to view the smartboard and maybe take occasional notes if I'm showing them a tutorial video. This arrangement actually worked neatly for me on my first day when I had them do an icebreaker activity that involved competition between the rows, then another group discussion activity in fours, which I called islands. I do admire the fact that you printed out the seating arrangement, and it inspires me to do the same. I'm just kinda lazy or in more self-compassionate terms, "preoccupied with other priorities". But the fact is, I need to do what you have done because I can see it serving a variety of practical purposes to have it handy on paper. Anyway, I've typed too many bytes of space here already so I'll bid adieu and thanks. Looking forward to more videos from you and your class! Cheers, Tob


Love it!! Day 2 will be a syllabus—old school style, but I’ll only hit the highlights. Then I’m thinking we might do a “Would You Rather” question set to get a sense of who are the leaders, who are the quiet ones, how well they work together, etc. This is a GREAT video! Thanks for sharing!


My high school English class was one class we did not have assigned seating! Regardless, we all stuck to the same desk the remainder of our school career (we had the same English teacher for 4 years). God help you if you sat in the wrong seat lol!

Also i think my school was the only place where kids fought for the front row 😂 the seat right in front of the teacher was the golden seat....first day of school was a scramble to try to get that seat.

I went to my high school visited our English classroom... and you betcha we sat in our old (unassigned) seat ;-)
I sat in the front row but near the wall/window. That was my spot :-)


Thanks for your videos. My school environment is toxic. The way you think about teaching helps me to think about ways that I can make my classroom environment everything it needs to be for me and for my students. Your videos help me keep the faith.


I absolutely love the number seats idea and will definitely be using it when I starting my first year of teaching in a few weeks! I’m so glad I found your videos before I started teaching because I just feel like I’m going to be ahead of the game and skip over a lot of mistakes teachers normally make starting off!


100% on the seating arrangement! I don't do an exact alpha order, because A is always with B... so I tend to go across, then down or across alphabetically. I spice it up to at least mix so that A isn't next to B. And I totally agree with just looking up and immediately knowing who's away. I only call attendance on day 1. After that, never. If a desk is empty, I know immediately. And yes to little homework. I'm the same, but I give enough time in class to finish work. It becomes hmwk if they haven't used their time wisely.


I love the alpha seating plan for the first few days (or more)- and when they complain, I'm like- "I'm old- there's a lot of you, I need to learn your names- help me out!" I let them know when they arrive and then I also have a sticky note on each desk with their name. I've tried putting it up on the board- but they can't read it- although sometimes it's a good gage to see how bright the class is going to be!


I do a world cafe activity on day 2 or 3 for students to come up with what my basic 5 rules will look like for their class. I take large sheets of paper (I have used butcher paper, bulletin board paper, large construction paper, etc) and for each class period make 5 posters (Be present and prepared, Be Respectful of people and property, Be Responsible for your own learning, Treat others as you want to be treated, Be an active participant). I then divide the class up into 4 groups and have them spend a set number of minutes at each poster brainstorming what that "rule" looks like and writing their ideas on the poster and then taking the last 10 or 15 minutes to talk about them. By the end of the day, each class period has made a set of posters for my room, and they have contributed to what we can expect from one another.


So helpful. Going to substitute teach until I pick a grade and get a full time position. I'm so nervous and I've watched a bunch of your videos and now I feel more prepared. Thanks!


Are you on Teachers pay Teachers? would love to see your teaching material ^^


Love your vids! Just found you. Wish I’d had a teacher like you. Your kids are lucky. Thanks for sharing your tips!


Future teacher here! I love your homework policy! I will definitely implement this because it's important for kids to be kids and for adults to remember high school isn't just about academics 24/7!


AMEN on the homework! Love your view so much. I could spend days on my soapbox about it.


New teacher here, for World Language! I really love your energy and I hope that I will remain as excited about teaching as you are. Thanks for sharing!!
