Download and configure SQLite

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To download and configure SQLite, follow these steps:

Go to the "Downloads" section of the website.
Choose the appropriate download package for your operating system. SQLite is available for various platforms, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Download the precompiled binary for your operating system. Make sure to select the version that suits your needs (e.g., 32-bit or 64-bit).
Once the download is complete, locate the downloaded file on your computer and extract its contents if necessary. The extraction process may vary depending on your operating system.
Download and unzip 5 files to C:\Data\sqlite\

Copy the files to the folder you want to keep them.
Use the command prompt, and browse to the folder.

To create database:

To see the created database in Windows Explorer
sqlite .databases

To quit:
sqlite .exit
sqlite … ;

Later we will use DBeaver to connect to database and create new table
Column1 INTEGER,

Open your terminal or command prompt.
Test the installation by running the following command: ` sqlite3 --version If SQLite is correctly installed and configured, you should see the version information displayed in the terminal.
After extracting the files, you should have the SQLite binary executable available. You may want to move this executable to a directory that is included in your system's PATH environment variable. This step is optional but recommended for easier access to the SQLite command-line tool from any location in your terminal or command prompt.
Congratulations! You have successfully downloaded and configured SQLite on your system. You can now use SQLite for various database operations, such as creating databases, executing SQL queries, and managing data.
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