Learn Notion Formula 2.0 Basics - Map, Filter, Ifs, And, Empty & Dot Notation

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Notion Formula 2.0 has basically changed almost everything we know about Formula 1.0.
I share how to use some of their newest features in this video!

Learn Map, Filter, Ifs, Contain, And, Empty, & Dot Notation through 8 different formulas and 7 different database property examples.

I try my best to slowly introduce my understanding of Formula 2.0.
I apologize for my audio quality in advance.

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I have been struggling for almost a month trying to complete a project that required multiple databases with multiple formulas calling specific filtered information. I was struggling to understand map() & filter() and the new dot notation, and was totally lost when it came to current.

You are the first person that I've encountered who had any answers at all for how these work.

You explained everything SO thoroughly and made it -simple- for me to start actually writing Notion formulas fluently.

Seriously, after watching this video I have gotten more done in the last four hours than I have in a whole month. I see a light at the end of the corner.

Thank you.


With how many views this video already has... It seems like the time it would take to chapter this view would be amazing! Love the content! Keep it up!!!


Thanks so much for sharing! I am just learning the new formula 2.0. I had already watched all of the "big" Notion players' utube videos but still couldn't figure out how to do this one formula and your video helped me solve it. Thanks!


keep doing these videos man, super informative. very very helpful in better understanding the formula basics. i would like this video 100 times over if i could


Thanks, I really appreciate this video.


This is absolutely helpful!! Thank you so much for such a great video 🙏🏻❤️


this is very helpful, thanks so much!

One thing though — I was wondering how you could get your 'output' table to dynamically update when new rows are added to the 'Input' database?


Thank you so much, I solved my blocker thanks to your explaination !


Your videos are amazing, thank you so much for them!!
Though I understood the video, there is a different situation I kind need to make work, if it's even possible.
I have three databases on my habit tracker setup: Entries, Habits, and Goals. Entries is related to Habits, which is also related to Goals. Goals and Entries are not related.
When I make a new entry, the habit property is automatically filled, and I want the goal corresponding to that entry to show up, too.
Since Goals and Entries are not related, I used the map function to show the tasks related to the habit (kinda like a rollup), and it worked, but it showed ALL the goals related to that habit. Then, I tried to use the filter and contain functions to get only the desired goals, and that's where I'm struggling. I don't want the formula to return a text, I want the goal, as the map function does, but filtered.

To build the habit of exercising more (let's call it "Hulk Out!"), I have three goals: go to the gym 2x a week on June, 3x a week on July, and 5x a week on August.
The "Worked out" button on my main page creates an entry that is automatically related to the "Hulk Out!" habit.
There's a view for each month on the Entries database, so on the June view I wanna see only goals with "June", but the map function returns all three goals related to "Hulk Out!", and filter+contains returns a text (it returned a checkbox at some point, too; really don't know how that happened).

It's important to make it show up through a formula. I could set a new relation between Entries and Goals, and set the buttons to automatically fill the goal property, but then I'd have to edit all the buttons, for all the habits I'm tracking, in the beginning of each month, manually. And, since the idea is to share the template as well, the less editing needed, the better.

My inicial idea was way more complicated than this, and this is complicated enough for me hahahaha I'd really aprecciate if you could help me out.
I'm sorry if it's confusing (it probably is). Anyways, thanks for the videos!!


This video is super helpful! I'm not sure if I'm doing something incorrectly but I was wondering how you would filter something to only include a specific year. So instead of filtering with the "now" function, somehow filtering it to only show dates within 2023 for example.


thanks for sharing this useful information. I would like to know how to count the checkboxes on a row. For example, I have five checkboxes in a row and I ticked three. I want to know the percentage of the check. How do I do? Thank you so much


For filtering formulas of a single select (for me it's status), is it possible to filter using OR? I want to see Tasks that are either Ready or Today. Thanks for your help!


Is there a way to let the formula property edit a different existing property (media property) ?
Also great video, makes everything more easier to understand!


Hi there! Could you help me with a formula to sum the cost of sub-subtasks? I was able to come up with this so far: - it will show the cost of the sub-subtasks (grandchildren) separated by a comma, but I cannot figure out how to sum it instead. Thank you!


Hi! thanks for this! I still need a little help! I have a client database, program database and program sold database. I have a relation from client to program sold and to program database. The relation to program sold is self filling with the purchase of the client but the relation to the program table still empty (it was just to link the table to be able to get its properties). Now, what I want to do is take each program sold and get a list of those that are from the same type (program database property) and finally get the one with the highest rank (also program property).

But the problem is that since the program related column is empty, it wont get anything from it! I use the program sold as starting point but how can I compare its property in the program table to get the good one? I tried a lot of formula with map() and let() and find() but it still using local data.
Thanks again!


Hey can you do this using more than 1 relation?


Great video :)
I have a cell that contains a formula and is constantly changing its results. It provides data (more specifically, a date) based on certain conditions. I was wondering if it's possible to save its information (the values returned) in another cell so that when I apply a condition to this new cell, it returns only one of the dates kept. Your help would be greatly appreciated!


I am a school teacher wanting to convert my worksheets into Notion. Can I make a formula refer to a specific answer in another cell coming from a related table's data? In other words, I want to convert a simple fill in the blank worksheet into a table (questions) with relation column (answers in a separate answers table) and have a 3rd column (formula column) determine if the answer is correct and award points if correct as one might do in Excel e.g. IF(B2 = "photosynthesis", 5, 0)-- In this example
B2 is the answers selected from the choices in the answers column which happens to be a relations column to Answers table


Is it possible to make the formula smaller using "let" ?


Hey, thank you for the video. These formulas are a struggle, but you ade verything quite clear!
I have a question.. I am trying to set on my "left days" for a task that if a task has status submitted (with a formula when I put as a status "submitted" it automatically checks a box on the "done" column) it is completed. I don't like to have completed task (I still want to see them on the list tho) with 240days overdue.
Do you have any formula for that?
if(status=="submitted"..then what?

Thanks a lot
