REMATCH: Legendary Godzilla vs Shin Godzilla's 5th and 6th forms || In-Depth Battle Analysis

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Shin Godzilla is out for Revenge! And Legendary Godzilla will be ready. Today we will discuss a hypothetical scenario where Legendary Godzilla did NOT completely finish off Shin, thus allowing him to regenerate into a stronger 5th form, duplicates, or a potential 6th form if it survives.

Join us as we uncover some potential scenarios that would occur if This battle continues on from the previous match up. If you enjoy this content please subscribe and give us a like.
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I like how the more you evolved Shin to counter Legendary, the more he looked like Destroyah. Which was one of the few kaiju that could beat OG Godzilla.


I think Godzilla would've realized that he needs to incinerate Shin completely by its first regeneration/evolution. There's also a chance that Godzilla attacks Shin while regenerating/evolving but I'm not sure how would that result. I'm surprised that Godzilla even lasted that long.


Man I just love that Godzilla movies have gotten so good! Shin Godzilla was my favorite until I saw minus one. But I don’t feel like minus one could beat either shin or legendary. I just love the story of minus one. Nice video!


I think the back beams is really what makes shin use alot of energy(which is probably why he switched to his tail beam), according to wikizilla, each one of these beams is as powerful as his normal beam. So it think it would take much longer for shin to use the entire amount of his energy


I freaking swear, If shin Godzilla was ever introduced into the Monsterverse, it would be a seriously missed opportunity if it doesn't end up evolving into Destroyah
Edit: Okay So I have been hearing none stop about keeping them separate and I just need to say, do none of you have any imagination between you to realize that one of Shin Godzilla's duplicates he spawns might have a chance to turn into Destroyah. Perhaps after combining with the creature that survived and thrived from the oxygen destroyer?


Would love to see Gigan show up somehow as the Villain of the MV. He would definitely be a challenge to make sense of why he is there in this universe, but if we already have aliens like Ghidorah, it shouldn't be too hard to make a story around it. #500MECHA


Now the question reminds.... evolved godzilla VS Shin Godzilla 6th form.


I love how this 6th Shin form incorporates flight, given the plot of the movie became "stop this thing before it evolves flight" at some point.
It'd probably just turn into something like Desotroyah at some point, which I'm all for.


While the 5th and 6th forms resemble Legendary a little too much, they're nonetheless great custom figures for sculpt and paint.


Shin ain’t even Godzilla anymore, that thing’s just an XK-class SCP at this point


The next Monsterverse threat should be something entirely new. While returning kaiju are great for fanfare, it'd be nice for everyone to be on a level playing field for the next big baddy so no one would know what it could be capable of. With the inclusion of the Hollow Earth it is asking for new and unique Titans, maybe something like an ancient Alpha not too fond of a newcomer on its turf. And with the Dominion, Aftershock and Kong comics, I have confidence in the team behind the Monsterverse to create a unique and memorable kaiju #500mecha


I like how it was still left undetermined at the end. MonsterVerse Godzilla still has a chance! But Shin is buffing up in the Kaiju ranks so Legendary Godzilla better step up his game! Pretty accurate video! I'm still team MonsterVerse Godzilla, but great video over all!


The thing about legendary that makes me think it'd likely find a way to win in minimally the first two scenarios, is that its likely the most intelligent Godzilla version we've seen. It literally specializes in fighting other kaiju, to the point it managed to survive a fight against other creatures custom built to kill him. Shin on the other hand was shown to simply never be more than an unthinking single-minded creature. It's ability to fight other kaiju wouldn't improve even if it's physical tools did. There's obviously a limit to the brains > brawn argument, but I'd say he stands at least a slight chance even against the winged form, as long as it doesn't suddenly go from hardly intelligent and nearly immobile to agile and above average intelligence, which I don't think it would as it seemingly wasn't actively transforming to strategically counter it's opponents, it's body simply automatically adjusted to directly counter what it's been exposed to, so as long as Legendary can deal damage to shin, and shin hasn't developed an immunity to Legendarys weaponry, Legendary likely is just too experienced and inherently deadly of a fighter for shin to be able to immediately fully counter every possible strategy that Legendary could throw at him.


Wow man your videos are so good!Btw, here is my opinion on the scenarios.
Scenario 1- Legendary godzilla wins high diff
Scenario 2- Legendary godzilla(if he comes up with a good plan) wins
extreme-impossible diff otherwise shin goji wins mid diff
Scenario 3-Shin godzilla ains No-low diff.


I really want the Monsterverse to continue for years to come, that's why I hope start off phase 2 with a villain like Gigan or Biollante, it would be so awesome to see Godzilla fight against a titan with strong cutting abilities. Biollante would also be amazing because they can make her more scary than ever! I'm so glad they're continuing the Monsterverse and can't wait to see what lies ahead for all us G-Fans! #500Mecha


Right when he said “shin could evolve in “then a Doritos add came and I was like HE EVOLVED INTO S DORITO😂


The problem is that shin just ignores conservation of mass and just creates mass out of nothingness


If Gman win, it's only expected of him.
If Gman lost, report him for feeding the enemy team.


The biggest thing I’m curious about is if a point blank nuclear explosion would harm Shin, or make him more powerful like it did with Legendary Godzilla? Cause if it doesn’t then Legendary may actually hold an edge, but it’s a specific scenario edge.


I think Shin would win hands down because if it survived once, the first thing you would assume it would evolve to fix would be energy depletion and a counter to the atomic breath which could also go hand in hand with it becoming able to absorb the atomic breath as fuel for it's own. Especially since we basically see that in Godzilla Vs Kong. Add that on top of being bigger, getting a form that's faster, smarter or even just breaking into multiple kaiju, because Legendary relies so heavily on basically 2 fighting tactics, it would most likely be doomed if it didn't completely obliterate Shin in the first round IMO.
