Your Kingdom Spouse is trying to forget about you 😢 #kingdomspouse #prophecticword

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(2 Corn. 9:6-7, 1 Corn. 9:14) 👇



I have Instagram and TikTok👇

🚨Make sure to take all prophetic words to the LORD to confirm they are for you

(1Thess 5:20-21) 

🚨I do not endorse secular music or encourage anyone to listen to secular songs I use as references. Hey, this is just how Dad ☝️ gets Green Tea her puzzle pieces 🧩 To each their own conviction when it comes to secular music/movie references

🕊️ Salvation Prayer:

Pray this aloud: "Lord Jesus, I repent of my sins and surrender my life. Wash me clean. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. That he died on the cross for my sins and rose again on the third day for my Victory, I believe that in my heart and make confession with my mouth, that Jesus is my Savior and Lord. I receive eternal life, in Jesus name, Amen

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#grace #love #propheticword #prophecy #god #bible #godprovides #rhema #rhemaword #christianity 

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#addiction #988 #addictionrecovery 
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this video’s take really clicks with some of the things I've been reading in ebook magnetic aura from Borlest


Please stop making this kind of content. It’s not biblical and very deceptive. Guys just put Jesus first and do his will and He will work things out in His perfect timing. Confusion is of the enemy. This content is NOT biblical


I'm retired at 47, went from Grass to Grace. This video here reminds me of my transformation from a nobody to good home, honest wife, $35k biweekly and a good daughter full of love ❤️


Simple Minds - Don't You Forget About Me - great awesome song.


❗️Is this Christian or new age future view ? … cause we get addicted to this type of messages and signs … pray to God … no one has to show your future in this way a message that is to millions of people … God can give you a message through prayers and fasting to you… be careful … get a relationship with God first then the husband …. It’s not good that you may searching for videos day and night about kingdom spouse cause that’s is also idolatry to the idea, to a person, to a spouse instead of meditating in the lord himself ! He know your desire’s


stop watching these videos and focus on the kingdom of God guys. Test the spirits. A woman is to cover her head when praying or prophesying according to scripture. Most of these kingdom spouse video creators are delusional and false prophets who will have to give an account to God. Stop being desperate and focus on Christ.


Alzheimers. Oy. Not Sometimers. Not Alltimers:)


I really have an issue with this "Kingdom Spouse" thing.

If you have a congregation of 1000 people.
And in that Congro you have 40 Single Women
and 40 Single Men

All 40 of the Single Women will convince themselves that one of the top 4 or 5 men are their "Kingdom Spouse" LOL.


This is 100% me trying to forget is easier than trusting or allowing someone in.


Can yall leave her alone. If it’s not for you don’t watch it.


Ty sister, im going through this right now. So weird this video popped up. I think you hit everything on the dot..Lord bless you


Just decided to divorce a few days ago. My wife and I have been slowly growing apart these past few years. I know she still loves me but she’s expressed I don’t love her the way she wants to be loved, we don’t go out as much, aren’t as affectionate towards each other etc. This has lead her to feel depressed, have low self esteem and feel unwanted so I agreed to separate for her mental health. I hope this word isn’t for me..


I heard the song "Keep Forgetting (To Forget About You)" by Jojo 2009


How about if I say enough. God, Try again Please😕🤷‍♂️


Since May I can not stop hearing that song ‘Don’t you forget about me’ I couldn’t work out why! It had just hit me now! Thank you 🙏


White wedding was Billy Idol‘s refutation of the institution of marriage. He wrote it for his sister who is getting married.


Good word sis 👏🏻 I like your style gal don’t listen to the haters….spread Kingdom


Interesting, I haven’t talked to her myself in over a year or anyone else for that matter the Lord has had me isolate myself from everyone for over a year now my parents were served by her where she works today and she has met them before but she did not say anything about me I was wondering what was going on wasn’t sure if she’s mad at me or something


2:10 I believe past life recollection. Will be a gift for us. (Fighting for companionship and partnership) will be challenging contending spirit.


Maybe your right, ,
Maybe we’ve never met,
Maybe we’ve been through to much, ,
Maybe the way life is won’t allow it,
Maybe it’s more hurt in the heart just thinking about it,
Maybe life has wrecked us
I had a dream that we met again in the afterlife,
But earth broke us, ,
We just wanted to be alone, , ,
