Why Lowering Your KB & Mouse DataQueueSize, Using Interrupt Affinity Tool Will Lower Input Latency

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I have held off on posting this video for about a year now. I wanted to test this for myself to see if there are any side effects worth mentioning. To date I haven't found any. However that depends on what numeric setting you are using for your keyboard and mouse dataqueuesize. If you go too low you will experience issues with input from the mouse and keyboard. If any of your mouse clicks or keyboard keys presses don't register the 1st time but, you have to click on them twice...You have to increase the numeric values by at least 10.

Furthermore, setting your usb to work off a specific cpu core will help elevate the strain windows put on core 0 more so than anything else. The by-product of that is lower latency using LatencyMon. There are videos showing you how to put your GPU, etc on different cores but I do not recommend doing that. Just use it for the USB port(s). Tools like Ryzen Master can help you determine the "best" core you can use for moving the USB to.

Here is the link to the Interrupt Affinity Policy Tool:

Dword: KeyboardDataQueueSize

Dword: MouseDataQueueSize
May Have to Add Sub-Key Paramters (after mouclass) 1st then add the dword MouseDataQueueSize

I've been using this tweak for over a year now. And lowering the numeric value does provide quicker results to mouse clicks. But there are some caveats:
A. USB hubs on chipset won't work well if at all.
B. When changing the mouse/kb/dataqueuesize you must use decimal. There are knuckleheads out there only changing hexadecimal.
C. When changing the mouse/kb/dataqueuesize avoid numeric decimal values that create a partial numeric hexadecimal value. IE: As shown in the video.
D. Make sure you have a motherboard that doesn't port all the usbs to the chipset.

For whatever reason any numeric decimal value that creates a partial numeric hexadecimal value (IE: 1e, 2d, 5g, etc) always messes up the mouse clicks. And causes your key presses to not register correctly more so then selecting a decimal value that's "to low". For example going from 100 to Eighty 'something' that causes a partial numeric hexadecimal value will cause more problems with the mouse/kb more so then going to a decimal value of Fifty "something" that has a complete numeric hexadecimal value.

This sort of information isn't discussed because I actually took the time to research this for the past year. People don't realize:
A. You must use decimal and not hexadecimal
B. Stay away from chipset usb hubs
C. Don't use decimal values that create a number/letter hexadecimal value.
Which is why I am confident in sharing this in the video.
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Don't set the queue size too low. You can do more harm then good.
The point of this tweak to reduce latency by reducing the queue size. Over doing it can cause ill effects.


Dude id been skimming through so many latency tweak guides by other people but you are the only guy that makes it easier to understand and doesnt skip a lot of important details. Thanks so much man!


Best tweaking channel straight to the point! Thank you! Those tweaks actually works!


Couldn’t for the life of me find my cpu bound usb ports. THANK YOU!!!


x570 auros itx here.
i always thought i dont have that info since i never fully check the manual, until now.
TLDR, the 4 blue (3blue +1 white) on the back are direct connect to cpu,
the 1 red, 1 usbC, plus the internal 3.0 are all on 1 chipset hub.

i always thought i can get the info from USB tree device software, but seems like even from that i cant tell, so i have always assumed i dont have any ports directly connect to cpu.

Even tho now i found out all this, i have been only connecting my mouse to the cpu ports, with nothing else connected since atm im using 2k polling mouse.
this gives the best result.


If u got good enough hardware/kbm thin u can put that que size to 4-10 and if ya can get your mouse down to 8-10 so if ya got a wooting/TKL Apex pro, or a Logitech G pro wireless than u can definitely put ur que size to 10 on both and u will be fine


Although my system was heavily tweaked for latency, this reduced it even further (nearly 15us) in latency mon.. I love it. Mouse very much feels 1:1 now. Same with keyboard :)


Ok so this really worked for me and response in games is now awesome. Thanks for sharing and subbed.


I read the title being like : the what now ? I will subscribe! Thanks.


I did this optimization and I put a queue of 30 but I only have 2 usb 3.2 gen 2, one type A and one type C, I used a hub and connected both kb and mouse to the type A, do you think that will be an issue? In game I didn't have any issues, I topfragged pretty well in cs actually.


Nobody in the tweaking community actually provide any data this would help, BUT it was confirmed lowering it could only fuck up the way your mouse behaves.
Interesting test would be to see it increased over default value(100) and then some tests.


I’m curious what Keyboard and Mouse Data Queue Size does if you go too low. Since watching this video a week or two ago, I haven’t seen any differences using “50” versus going all the way down to “10.”

Maybe it’s negatively affecting performance in ways I can’t plainly see from regular use. So just playing safe and keeping it at 50 like you.


I cannot notice a difference between 100, 50, 10 or any values, I read on a forum the super light sensor has 1374 bytes and that a value of 54 would be ideal for 3360 sensors such as Logitech g pro superlight


Hey bro amazing video your awesome for even taking the time for helping all these people, question tho, I game on pc with a controller at 8k polling, any walkthrough on same way you just showed but for controller ? I wired controller to usb gen 2 like you said I wasn’t even aware of that on mother board


which extensible host controller do I pick? I have 4 in my device manager


my dataqueuesize for both kb and mouse were already at 17 hex 23 dec, should i leave it at that or make it a bit higher


its normally GEN 1 thats the cpu, on my x570 they are Blue not the Red ones


what about hyperthreaded cores? My best gpu cores are 11 and 7. if i pick, do i have to pick 10 aswell, since 11 is the thread and 10 is the core? Furthermore changing the network adapters core doesnt seem to work. (Tested in latencymon)


Why set mask to core and not core and thread in Interrupt Affinity Tool?


Nice video dude. On my laptop all devices seem to be connected to one of two XHCI controllers, so wouldnt putting an affinity to it make it so all of the usb devices (both kb and mouse) are on the same core?
