I Am Done With All These Archery Techniques

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I Am Done With All These Archery Techniques
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I can relate Jason. I started trad archery about two years ago shooting instinctive only. My progression with practice went very well, then I tried gap shooting. Ugh, what a mistake that was. I did as much research on gap shooting as I could find but it nothing helped. I tried gap for a month with terrible results. I was a mess for a while but I'm back shooting instinctive. I'm having fun again and things seem so much more comfortable and natural. Thanks so much for your videos. I've learned many things from you. Much appreciated!


As a new archer this vid has been a great eye opener. I’m just starting off and so I’m working through different techniques to see what works best with me but though all that I just think too much on my form and forget to lock onto to the target. I will now try what I’ve learned in this vid and hopefully it’ll improve my archery.


I’m 100% with you Jason. Recently I tried a bunch of different shooting styles. Some gave me confidence but, killed my shoulder, some were horrible. I’ve since gone back to my “normal“ draw weight 60# and back to my original style and can’t be happier. Great video


Me too. All you said. I messed with gap for 2 days. It was a mess. I am not as tight with my groups as you are, but I'm working on it. Thanks Jason good video.


I want to THANK YOU Jason! this vid motivated me to work on my release(I have a mild pluck) but then I focused on keeping my bow arm straight and BOY my groups not only tightened up but I am consistantly drilling the spot! Thanks again for all you do, also your, vid, R U Good enough, was a huge eye opener and is the reason I'm taking my recurve out this season!


Just watched this video and you're an amazing archer and an amazing teacher!
I did notice that when you shot "for real" your elbow moved backwards on release, indicating imho that you pull through perfectly. You just do it without any flair or fancy stuff!
So keep doing you and forget about the people thinking they know better than you. Your results speaks clearly what is working for you. 👍


Nice to hear someone keeping it simple. I started shooting recurve 50 years ago. Long before all these techniques, styles, etc were a thing. I still shoot game with the same Bear recurve. No frills. Great video!


"Too many minds" Nobutada Last Samurai; sums this up perfectly. Keep em coming Jason!


Great video, just an all around great video. One thing I will add, I started off shooting lighter bows at the beginning of my journey, as you often hear start light to learn. I learned on a 45 pound longbow, well, once I felt dailed in a year or so later I started hunting and shooting only mid 50s... I never went back to the lighter bow because I thought it would be back tracking... Recently I went to the light bow with a more serious nature, realized I am much, much more accurate with lighter bow AFTER learning how to get off the string clean.... I'm a few weeks into shooting my little 45 and I may just stick with it, and not move up again...heavy high foc slim micro arrows we have now, no reason to shoot higher weight IF you don't wanna but also want to kill.


I have experienced every thing you discussed in this video. And you are 100% correct. Is my back tension right, is my bow arm bent right am I pulling through the shot. Well I had to stop listening to all the BS in my head, and just do what feels right and shoot. Thanks for sharing this. All new and old shooters should watch this. Like Howard Hill said, ask yourself are you a target archer or a hunter. Its hard to be both at the same time for some people, so choose. I chose to be a hunter. Thanks and God bless


You just did a video about what I was thinking a lot lately.
1. The release and 2. that my arrow or arrowhead moves a little bit forward before I release it. (but I only see this if I record myself)
I changed my anchor recently and watched a lot of other archers and traditional WA archers stuff etc. and saw a lot of things I didn't do or that my technique wasn't quite as perfect as compared to some french archer that I watched on YT.

But it is just like you said - if I don't concentrate too much on what I do or not do and just focus on the target and shoot, it works pretty well.


I had the same issue only with a shotgun and duck hunting. I was very good and then I read all these articles on leading the bird etc. Screwed me up for years. A lot better now. Your brain works way better than you think and will figure it out with whatever you do. I guarantee it!


Spot on Jason, I have the exact same release if I try any other method I spray arrows and ingrain a fault in my form. Think about it, the jump shot in basket ball, the golf swing, there are certain basics you must perform but you do it in a way that your body is comfortable.


Have improved 100 percent since your cold shot video. Work midnights. Get out of truck grab bow in garadge shoot one shot. Live with it . Practice in evening. 3 under point on and just shoot. Solid anchor fletch touches nose done. Yes dump the B.S. GREAT Information today.


Question:, Can you recommend a traditional bow or perhaps a price range that I should pay for a decent bow? Use to be traditional hunter decades ago and miss it very much. Would love to see vid on equipment recommendations, cost etc. I attend the PA bow hunter festival yearly and there are many traditional bows for sale but I don’t know what to look for. Can you help?


I go through the same thing! I am constantly working on the release. I don't get the " just relax your fingers " I try but truthfully I just try to forget that and just concentrate on the spot.


Amen! This is exactly me . Used to gap an string walk an do the proper form otherwise I’m going to destroy my shoulder an let the target go an all the mental stuff. An it deadset done my head in. After seeing the old John shulz video an giving it a try it blew my mind. Every archery coach or guru said that’s a terrible way to shoot, but I’ve never smashed so many arrows from tight grouping . So why do they keep pushing people down the best method or whatever it’s called path?


100%. Tried it all. For me, solid bow arm, concentrate on a spot.


Thanks for the info. I ordered a bow from Steve (Northern Mist) yesterday based off you recommendations. I’m looking forward to learning to shoot an ASL.


Your 100% correct. I pretty much fixed it by following the arrow to the spot, don't move anything, focus on spot, follow arrow to spot.
