Erdoğan says Turkey 'not favourable' of Finland and Sweden joining NATO

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Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has said that his country is "not favourable" of Finland and Sweden joining NATO.

James Rogers, the Co-Founder of the Council on Geostrategy said "Turkey could cause problems, although some analysts believe it's more likely that the country is seeking concessions rather than seeking to block them (Finland and Sweden) outright."

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Sweden before;
Swedish Foreign Minister Ann Linde visited YPG, the Syrian branch of the terrorist organization PKK, in 2020 and 2021.
In the Swedish parliament, there are 6 deputies linked to the PKK.
During the operations carried out by the Turkish Armed Forces in Iraq, Syria and Turkey, Swedish-made At-4 rocket launchers in the hands of the terrorist organization PKK were seized. It was determined that these weapons were used in attacks that martyred soldiers.
Swedish Foreign Minister Ann Linde announced that they will provide 376 million dollars a year in aid to the YPG, the Syrian branch of the terrorist organization PKK.

In Sweden, rallies supporting and praising the terrorist organization PKK are allowed. Although Sweden defines the PKK as a terrorist organization, it does not hand over PKK members to Turkey.

FETÖ members roam freely in Sweden. Despite Turkey's demands, FETO members are not extradited

Sweden now:Help please !

Turkey:Good luck with russia😉


Turkey does not have a problem with the Kurds, but it has a problem with the terrorist organizations PKK and YPG. If Sweden withdraws its support from these terrorist organizations and lifts their embargo, Turkey will gladly approve of Sweden. (my objective opinion)


Putin is NATO's best recruiting tool ever.


Turkey in 2008 “ we need help against PKK terror”
Finland and Sweden: Not our problem.
Finland and Sweden in 2022: “We need help against Russia”
Turkey: Not our problem.
what goes around, comes around.


Sweden has been providing weapons and financial aid to the YPG terrorists on the Syrian border for years... arm in arm with the terrorists who killed the NATO soldier... I wonder what Turkey should have done.


There are 3 countries that will not be kicked out of NATO ! America, England and Turkey . Because all NATO infrastructure and equipment is based on these 3 powerful armies . Turkey is in a better position than Finland and Sweden in terms of strategic location !


Nope, incorrect. He said something to mean we’re not positive or negative in particular. And the negative part is not about Finland, but Sweden because of supporting terrorism in the region. What do people have to do to get some unbiased news?


Very few of the people talking about Turkey here know the whole story. Between 2002 and 2012, Turkey was not the country it is today and had everything necessary to enter the EU but backstabbed by France. If a strong European union is considered against Russia, Sweden and Finland should join NATO, while Turkey should join the EU. This would be a nightmare for Russia and solve the problems to a great extent.


Personally I'm against all wars and all it's unity. But i must say something to people who says we don't need Turkey in Nato,
Just look at the map. Even 9 year old can tell why Turkey is so important to Nato. Turkey is the most important member of the top 3


Turk here. This is very inaccurate and totally misleading. Erdogan said that he Turkey could not be optimistic about Sweden (nothing about Finland) joining NATO given Sweden has supported the PKK terrorists group for so long. There's an incredibly biased anti Turkish rhetoric in Europe towards Turkey. I personally think Turkey, which has been a NATO member since the 1950s and which has the second largest army in NATO ( second only to the US) should use its veto power and get legal documents signed by Sweden to put an end to the madness left wing ideology they have. The PKK and YPG are Socialist in ideology which is at complete odds with the Western alliance. Additionally, the EU has the PKK listed as a terrorist organisation, yet Swedish law makers are posing in pictures with them. Turkey is right about having concerns about this and Erdogan is highlighting the truth. The Swedes and their open border policy to such groups is nothing short of a failure


Erdoğan's Turkey wouldn't be allowed in NATO if it were to apply now. The ''criteria include a functioning democratic political system based on a market economy; fair treatment of minority populations; a commitment to resolve conflicts peacefully''..Turkey is currently none of these.


Then he should have told his mate Putin to stay in his own country. WTF did Putin expect to happen? He is currently driving countries to NATO.


Thanks Turkey your blocking of Swedish membership in NATO is correct. I'm from Sweden and I have no interest in paying in Euros, or identifying with NATO, and the people in Sweden which want to identify with NATO, want to pay in Euros, want to remove national borders, want more internationalisation & more globalisation and more tax... well, I can classify them as 1) " not knowing what they want ", 2) Ill, 3) Paranoid or emotional. Concerning 3, why the sudden interest in joining NATO now, when Russia invaded the Ukraine mostly based on too many NATO memberships and too much NATO militarization? Isn't more memberships only like poking a dog with a stick?


I generally vote for opposition party, but my full support for Erdoğan this time. Maybe we should've been positive to Finland but not Sweden. Sweden is like Scandinavian branch of pkk.


PKK killed more than 20 thousand Turkish citizens. More than 10 thousand of them are Turkish soldiers. The Swedish state provided $200 million in aid to the PKK's Syrian organization, pyd, last year. i never voted for erdogan but i applaud erdogan for these words


Don’t worry people. It’s just turkey being turkey. They want money basically from the EU and US.


What do Scandinavian countries expect from Türkiye while they are first destination for terrorist? Sweden must stop being a home for various terrorist organizations and burning holy books. Then, we might rethink of their demand for joining NATO. In this case, first step should be taken by them by showing respect to all believers.


Turkey and Hungary.. the most sus NATO members.


Putin goes into a coma due to complications from minor surgery. He awakes 5 years later. Putin: " So, do we have Ukraine? Do we have Finland? Do we have Sweden and Poland? " The nurse tells him " Why Yes, we do ! And things have gotten so much better since we joined the EU as well ! "


Turkeys foreign minister said 3 days ago they would support Finland's application and Erdogan said to Niinistö he would also support it but now when the decision have been made they start to ask favors if Turkey would not support the NATO application why lie about it an put these two nations on the worst possible spot without any reason?
