Stella Gets Rid of Her Brother

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Stella Gets Rid of Her Brother when he refuses to share the swing with her.

Jameson refuses to share the swing with Stella so she gets mad and plots to get rid of him. She calls up her grandma "Mamaga" and asks if she would come pick him up and take him back to Northern California with him. Sure enough she agrees and comes down to pick him up from the airport. Stella gets the whole house to herself. She first takes the opportunity to use the swing. However, after she becomes tired of the swing she decides she is going to play with her dolls by herself. She becomes very bored and looks for dad to come play with her. However, dad has many chores around the house that he must do. She quickly realizes how bored she is without Jameson and how much she loves him. She calls him on the phone to see if he can come back but it doesn't sound like he is interest. However, she goes downstairs and finds that we is actually home for Norcal after all.
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