DEF CON 23 - Crypto and Privacy Village - Marina - Hacking Quantum Cryptography

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Hacking Quantum Cryptography
Marina (bt3)

Alice and Bob’s quest through the fascinating quantum mechanics world as a way to avoid archvilainess Eve eavesdropping. In 1994, Peter Shor showed that many of the cryptosystems used today can be broken using a quantum computer. This idea will be explained together with a short overview of qubit systems. Next, we will see how quantum computing gives rise to the possibility of quantum key distribution with unparalleled security. We will end with a brief discussion on post-quantum cryptography concepts.

BIO: Marina is an information security engineer at Yelp, in San Francisco. She finished her PhD in Physics last year, at the University of Stony Brook in New York. During graduate school she researched theoretical and computational Physics at several national laboratories, such as NASA Goddard Space Center, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and Brookhaven National Laboratory. She is an avid CTF player and her first computer was a 386, when she was 5 years-old.
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just want to name this .."Amazing"
