8 Answers to Pro-Abortion Arguments

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8 Answers to Pro-Abortion Arguments

In this video, I present the most commonly used pro-abortion arguments and provide answers refuting those positions.
The pro-life stance is not just speaking for a religious issue, but a humanitarian issue. There is no such thing as an unwanted child because every child is wanted by someone.

1 in 3 women by the age of 45 have had an abortion in the US. Every day, more than 2,400 human beings are murdered by abortion, most of these victims weighing less than one ounce.
In the name of choice, abortion kills the smallest and weakest members of our society.

Abortion is an act of violence that kills a living human being.

0:00 - Abortion has been practiced throughout all history
4:07 - Life begins with breathing
6:34 - My body, my choice
9:03 - Prevent future misery
10:47 - Case of rape and incest
13:07 - Pro-life personally but pro-choice politically
15:03 - Abortion is legal, therefore it's right
16:07 - Abortion is safe
18:05 - Abortion empowers women
19:11 - The one case where abortion is morally justified
20:38 - Final thoughts


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Thanks for posting this Pastor, for being kind because there are many pressured into aborting and the ones with regret. My heart yearns to reunite with my child 🙏🏻


I lost a baby at 2wks over 20yr ago, the hospital wrote down abortion. I argued this point 👉 they said its because the baby aborted itself 😥but they changed it to miscarriage because I said I never killed my baby .
So many young girls are taking the after pill 😥😥
A baby is a baby from conception, not his/her fault !


You said it all, Pastor. Appreciate your honest ♥️. Thank you.

That said, I aborted my second child in 1979. In the month of May. I was pressured by the father to do it. After the abortion, I lived in deep regret and hurt for years. Even after having more children, that one stayed in my heart. My journey in this was long and hard. Plan Parenthood didn’t tell me that part. I was mentally torn for years about my “choice.”

I asked God to forgive me and I forgave myself. I live in the peace of God now. My Jesus has set me totally free of my awful error. God has my baby and one day I will see my precious child face to face.


I've never cried so much in my life, I've cried everyday the last 3 weeks... Only because I realise I'm a wretched sinner and deserve to be on the cross crucified instead of my Lord Jesus Christ!

I have stopped drugs and alcohol for almost 4 weeks now. I plan on quiting cigarettes tomorrow too & then vaping this week.
(Edit) Almost a week with no cigs now.
I have backslid into drugs and alcohol in recent weeks/months, but now I can honestly say this with God as my witness! It's only through the infinite Love, Grace and Mercy of our Perfect Beautiful Lord Jesus Christ, Our Most High Heavenly Father & by the power of the Holy Spirit have I done this. It would be impossible on my own!.

I was going to take my own life. I was starting to get into witchcraft and lucerferianism. Thank God he showed me the truth and error of my ways and I've since turned away completely from that demonic rubbish and threw it all out in the garbage where demonic doctrine belongs!

Praise GOD! All Glory, Honor & Exaltation to him alone! 🙏

I was so down and depressed about everything in my life. Even though I have a good life. I have food in my belly, clothes on my back, a roof over my head, a job and a car. We are all so ungrateful for what we have! When there are people in the world that are starving and can't even get fresh water to drink!

God creates weakness and breaks you down to your lowest point in life so he can bring you back up! The sooner you realise you can do nothing without God the sooner you will realise what he has done for us and everything is impossible without him.

When you read the Bible, it reads you.
When you pick your Bible up, it picks you up.
When you Dust off your Bible, it dusts you off.
Shout out to Isaiah Saldivar for those one liners!

I love the Psalms! It is how we should be worshipping and praising our God! 🙏🙌🛐✝️ We can all learn a lesson from King David.

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever. Amen 🙏 ✝️

Knock & it shall be opened to you.
Seek & you shall find.
Ask & you shall receive.

Light your soul on 🔥 with passion for him, he'll be the 🪵!
Shout out to Isaiah Eli for that one liner! He's a poet! Check out his Gospel rap! So good and touches your spirit. All for Gods Glory! 🛐🙌

I'm going to Die to Self & Be a living sacrifice for Christ our Lord God, King, Saviour, Redeemer, Rescuer. I hate the World and dont want any part of it. Im going to live, to do Gods will not mine.

In no order of preference, as they are all amazing preachers of the TRUTH!
Listen to sermons by:
R.C Sproul
Derek Prince
Steven Lawson
Voddie Baucham
Paul Washer
David Wilkerson
Carter Conlon
Leonard Ravenhill
John Macarthur

Isaiah Saldivar, John Ramirez, Vlad Savchuk, TJ Malcangi have helped me greatly also!

They have helped me in my spiritual walk, they don't pull any punches and preach the truth! Not a watered down gospel.

No weapons formed against me shall prosper!, and every tongue that rises against me GOD shall condemn in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! 🙏✝️🙌

For if he is FOR us!, who can be against us!?
The Devil and his minions have no power over the name above all names! JESUS CHRIST! Every knee shall bow! Every tongue shall confess, that JESUS CHRIST is LORD! My God, my Saviour, my Lord, my Redeemer, my Rescuer, my King, my Master, my Rock, my Shelter & my Love! ❤✝️🙏🙌🛐🥰 He that knew NO sin, became sin for US!

Romans 6:23
"For the wages of Sin is death; but the gift of God is Eternal life through Jesus Christ Our Lord!".

Come to Jesus, He loves YOU! I love you all too, can't wait to meet you all on that Glorious day when we get to see the Lord and hear those words, "Well done my good and faithful servant". Godbless you my Brothers and Sisters in Christ. ❤


Thanks pastor I thought 💭 I was the only one blaming the abortions but this message just give me hope that I was not crazy arguing and defending those innocent baby because I am one of them and I am glad my mom did not killed here I am serving the lord


As a former pro-choicer none of them will be moved by this video. It took The Most High to open my eyes to my problematic beliefs. I was so wrong.


Ladies, this video is the guide of what questions and what you would need to look out for when you date a guy, if a guy hints at abortion, please consider the following solution: 1. Secretly sit on a rocket and fly away from the guy. 2. Find a guy who genuinely fears God, love/like children and eschews evil.


You are 100% right to speak on this. Many more should be speaking on this. I have and will always be pro life. I am deeply saddened that I have women friends who are pro choice.


There are enough precautions today that if a woman doesn't want to get pregnant can take. Abortion shouldn't be an option, period, in my opinion.


18:00- you are right- I have known women who aborted their babies when they were only 18 or 19 years old, and lived with torment and regret for decades. Conversely, when they suffered as single moms at the age of 17, even though it was very VERY hard, they had much less regret, and were full of love for their child. Financial problems, yes, but no emotional turmoil. Finances are easy to fix by comparison.


This was such a good video Pastor and the fact that you used logic is even better. Most pro-choice people shut down and don't even listen when you start bringing in scripture. I have found it so hard to form the right words to tell pro-choicers that abortion is wrong other than the obvious. You truly helped bring the right words here in this video. This overturn of roe v. wade has also truly brought to light all the lost souls in this world, all the deceived believers and non-believers and, all those who truly don't read their bibles. It breaks my heart that so many woman I know are pro-choice especially those who ARE believers. I know I am grateful my mom did not abort me as she was in college studying to become a fashion designer AND my biological father was a married man. God is good and ALWAYS has a plan.


I live with the regrets of having 2 abortions...I'd never ever do that again or listen to others tell me how stupid I'd look because I already had a 3mos old..Planned parenthood are evil, pure evil..I was 17yrs old & nearly 7mos pregnant & they did it w/out my mom knowing..I was young & so stupid..If I could go back in time & take it all back, I would..I've been asking God for forgiveness since I was 17yrs old, most days I fear he won't let me into the kingdom of heaven for what I've done..God did bless me w/4 wonderful children but I always wish to have my other 2 here with us..Pray for me because idk where I'll go when the time comes


I appreciate how you use logic, it's a lot harder to argue against solid reasoning. Bless you


Thank you so much for sharing this. I overheard a conversation defending abortion today and questioned how I should respond to their arguments which are exactly what you are sharing here.


Very well said and it's loud enough to shut the mouth of Pro-abortion people


Thank you Pastor Vlad …I wish I would have had this teaching years ago.I have repented every day for the selfish wrong chives I have made.


Thank you for posting this Pastor I am pro life, and I hope many people will listen to this message.


Very good video. It shows the horror and tragedy of the abortion business.

Killing 62 million defenseless babies since abortion was legalized is mind boggling.
The interesting thing is that the woman has choices before and after the pregnancy to prevent the abortion.

She could've avoided the pregnancy in the first place. Once it happens, there is also adaptions options.


This really helped ❤I might watch it again so the info can sink right into my brain. I have overheard conversations and arguments about Pro-Choice and Pro-Life. I am Pro-life but there was some questions I had that needed to be answered about concerning abortions and rape and whatnot. I didn’t want to agree on pro-choice where it comes off as “acceptable” in some cases because i know for a fact that it is still wrong. I pray that God gives me more understanding.
