Апперкот решил судьбу боя! Боксер подловил на ошибке соперника и наказал , все в слезах!

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Турниры 7 легенд - отличная возможность проверить свои навыки в боксе и завоевать золотой чемпионский пояс стоимостью свыше 80.000р.
Любой боксёр с любым уровнем подготовки и возрастом может завоевать пояс. Главное участвовать и стараться побеждать набирая баллы.

The channel is dedicated to spectacular fights in boxing, MMA and other martial arts. Confrontations on the street, in championships and other places that will not leave you indifferent. Best fights, knockouts!

Feel free to leave comments and likes if you liked the video. Subscribe to the channel and hit the bell to see the latest videos!
Open circular passage in the club "Drummer"
I thank the organizers for their help and assistance in filming.

I would be very grateful and charged with helping the development of the channel. There are many great ideas, but there is not enough time to implement them. All patrons who helped will be immortalized in the video!
Best fights, knockouts!
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