The Virlanie Foundation has rejected our fundraiser😓

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I'm very sorry but they changed their minds after 10 days, I will have the funds returned to all donors.
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*Why not give the funds to another charity? I'm ok with it.*
Unfortunately many countries have very strict laws about how money raised for charity can be used. If I'm accused of misappropriating funds, or using my YouTube channel for fraudulent purposes it would be grounds for YouTube to terminate my channel. Even if you are ok with it, clearly there are people looking to make trouble for me and misrepresent me and my work. I have to make sure they cannot capitalize on this situation.

*Why not ask people want?*
You cannot put it up to a vote- if someone donated money for one thing, a majority cannot decide on their behalf to use it for something else. With over 300 donors contacting each one individually and documenting their wishes in a spreadsheet would be far, far more labor-intensive than returning the money. That same time could be used to shoot and edit videos so that I can sell the other models.

*Please donate to X charity*
I am doing my best. I have to pick the charity I think has the broadest appeal, that I can raise the most money for with my efforts. I have to make sure that charity is ethical and that the funds will go where they are supposed to. I have to find a charity that will be willing to take money from this sort of fundraising. This is quite difficult.
In China, it is expected that a "pretty/sexy girl" would, of course, be associated with babies and children- fertility, goodness, motherhood. If I wear a bikini at a pool party Chinese parents constantly try to get me to hold their baby for a picture. This is not the custom in the west and a loud, angry minority is very vocal that I should not be raising money for children at all or associated with children in any way no matter what I am wearing. Obviously, this makes me very, very sad, but I cannot afford to make myself a target for yet another group of angry people.
I also have to be careful about what I raise money for- if I raise money for Wuhan/virus victims I will be attacked for Chinese nationalism and for just helping other Chinese if I raise money for Australia I might be attacked by Chinese for ignoring our needs for foreigners. It needs to be some cause I can be effective, most people will support, and not make myself more of a target.

*Why shoot a video about this?*
I really did not want to. The Virlanie email response libeling me is being circulated by my detractors and is already doing quite a bit of harm. If that narrative gets traction I will be unable to do any charitable work in the future. Virlanie admitted the email they sent out to the public was untrue but will not post any sort of public retraction I can point people to in order to defend myself. I'm very unhappy about this, but it's unreasonable to expect me to sit silently and allow people to discredit me and my work so Virlanie can avoid embarrassment.


Wow.. that's pretty crappy of them .. They're obviously not a very well-run organization to have such communication problems like that :-/ Sorry to hear that happened, Naomi


I’m sry they rejected your wonderful offer, we know you have a huge heart ❤️ and the next charity will be very great full for you and your time


As a Filipino I feel ashamed that they did that to you despite of your intention 😞


Thanks for letting us know. We all know you are a great person with a kind heart. You should have a lawyer write then a nice letter explaining what will happen to them if they don't tell everyone they lied about you.


Wow - your heart seems to be in a very good place Girl. There will be many places that can use your help.


You're one of a kind. Keep up the good work!


You have my support; no reason to be sorry if an organization back out of receiving donations, as you said, pack up and move on.


your fans never reject!!! keep it up!!


boa noite, conheço seu trabalho e sua reputação e você uma excelente pessoal e uma ótima profissional no que faz, sou um seguidor do seu canal e gosto muito do que você faz, esquece isso e bola para frente


well we know that virlaine isnt a real charity and care more about their "image" then they do the children of the philippines. good thing this happened before i bought the model because i would have been demanding my money back from them. sending you good vibes, they are just jealous of your ability and the way you want to look.


A charity that rejects charity and
It's their loss then. Onwards and upwards. Better charities out there to support folks.


Dear Naomi,

I am very sorry to hear that such a kind gesture and great idea turned out this way!
It saddens me, that all this hard work you did (and do) gets such a -excuse me- shitty treatment and that this charity stabbed you in the back like that!
That's highly unprofessional, uncalled for and... well, just plain RUDE on their side!
I can understand that this is upsetting you so much. I am upset about the way this turned out, too (yes, i bought the model) - so i can only imagine how this must feel for you.
And i am also sorry for the kids on the streets in the Filipines. Under the line, they are the ones that will suffer from Virlanie rejecting your donation and behaving in such a rude manner.

Thanks for making the video to update your followers, though!
I'll probably donate the refunded money to your Ko-Fi instead to support your channel.



There a re plenty of organizations that will welcome your support. Keep your good work, don't let these silly people stand in your efforts to help people.


Ms. Wu, I tip my hat to you. People and companies have forgotten the most important base of all things "HONESTY and Respect". I am proud to be a follower of this channel.


I paid for the model. I got a model. We're all good. Use the funds as you see fit. Keep fighting the good fight.


They were attempting to "protect thier image" while still keeping the funds. You will note that the donation was only rejected when you contacted them. They were the ones trying to pull something shady.


"Sorry little boy, we cannot pay for what you need because the girl who was giving the money was in bikini, too bad for you."


Here is my reaction to that charity's clusterf*ckery:

To Whom it May Concern,

It has come to our attention that your organization has rejected a donation from an individual AFTER their forms to do so had been accepted and the necessary payment arrangements had been made. It has also been communicated in various social media that AFTER the donor's funds had been rejected someone in your organization began to reply to inquiries about the fundraiser claiming that the donor had not followed due process in applying for a fundraising partnership.

Your organization's presentation of inaccurate information about the entire process certainly casts a shadow on how well it is run. We suggest the persons from your organization who have been disseminating misinformation be reminded why the donor wished to fund your work: to help the children.

I am a regular donor and fund projects similar to yours throughout the world. The past events have made me reconsider donating to your organization. Furthermore, I will not recommend your organization to anyone else.


J Charles F. Laframboise


"Oh no, these starving children can't have food from a nearly naked lady, that's unethical!"
Says a charity whilst pocketing a significant percentage of their funds as "compensation".
