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00:20 🤔 Observation often begins with a phenomenon that draws attention, sparking curiosity.
01:02 🐱 The example used is witnessing a flying cat, which contradicts known knowledge, prompting the inquiry.
03:21 💡 Both logical and illogical explanations are generated to understand the observed phenomenon.
03:59 📚 A hypothesis is a tentative answer to solve the problem; to be scientific, it must be tested against empirical evidence.
04:11 🔍 Methodology is used to systematically approach the problem and gather data on the observed reality.
06:13 🔬 If data confirms reality, the hypothesis becomes a scientific theory.
07:22 📖 Analyzing results can lead to conclusions; if the hypothesis is proven, it's accepted as scientific.
08:16 🎯 The entire process described is the methodology for scientific research.
10:33 📅 It's crucial to evaluate the feasibility and viability of a research topic before committing.
12:37 📈 Scientific research should be rigorous, exhaustive, and precise for irrevocable and real conclusions.
14:02 💰 It's essential to account for resource availability, including time, access to information, difficulty level, and financing.
16:31 🕰️ Time management is vital; delays can be exhausting and lead to incomplete research.
17:43 🏷️ The research title is crucial; if poorly formulated, it might mislead the entire investigation.
19:18 📝 Importance of defining the orientation of research work.
19:47 🧪 Example: Tuberculosis research and the importance of specifying the population to be studied.
20:29 👫 Discussing the significance of age and gender in research limitations.
21:10 🌍 Importance of specifying the research location.
22:14 🕰️ Determining the time period for the research.
23:09 📋 Example provided for constructing a comprehensive research title.
25:12 💭 Explaining the difference between deductive and inductive methods.
28:08 🔍 Inductive reasoning doesn't always provide certainty, while deductive reasoning does.
31:50 📚 Introduction to problem formulation in research.
34:12 ❓ Importance of including a research question.
35:33 🔺 Visualization of problem statement using a triangle from macro to micro perspective.
36:42 🌎 Using global statistics as an example for formulating a problem statement.
38:32 🌎 Discusses approaching research from global, national, regional, and local perspectives.
39:00 📚 Emphasizes the importance of specifying where the research will be conducted.
40:06 🦠 Uses the COVID-19 pandemic as an example to explain research hierarchy from global to local contexts.
41:30 ❓ Introduces the concept of forming a research question based on the problem statement.
42:12 🎯 Explains that objectives in research are goals to be achieved, and they must be specific and measurable.
43:35 ✍️ Advises using the Bloom's Taxonomy for verb choices in objectives.
44:55 📖 Discusses the strategy of drafting research objectives based on the research question.
48:44 🤔 Introduces the concept of a hypothesis as a tentative answer to the research question.
50:44 🧠 Explains different types of hypotheses, including descriptive, correlational, causal, and null.
53:44 📝 Provides various examples of hypotheses to demonstrate their structure.
56:57 ⚖️ Begins to discuss the justification of a research topic, answering why a particular topic was chosen.
57:10 🦟 The importance of conducting research on dengue, a disease transmitted by the Aedes Aegypti mosquito, is highlighted, especially since it can spread more during the rainy season.
57:51 📝 Emphasis on the need for research justification, stating reasons and the purpose of the research.
58:04 🌍 Research should benefit society and not be done for personal whims.
58:45 💰 The viability and availability of financial resources, materials, and time are essential for research.
59:29 🎯 Understanding the area and scope of research is derived from the title, targeting specific populations.
01:00:25 📚 Theoretical Framework is crucial, backed up by bibliographic elements, providing validation for the research.
01:01:30 📖 Specific objectives help structure the theoretical framework, and references must be clear.
01:04:35 📕 Emphasis on referencing and citation methods, ensuring the most recent research is utilized.
01:06:12 ✍️ While writing the theoretical framework, it's essential to interpret and rewrite the information, ensuring originality.
01:09:48 🚫 Visual aids like figures and tables should not be in the theoretical framework, but can be referred to.
01:13:05 📄 A comprehensive theoretical framework should be around 20-25 pages in length.
01:13:48 🚗 An analogy involving a car accident is introduced, possibly to explain different perspectives in research, though the exact point is not concluded within this segment.
01:15:27 📺 An accident is covered on the news, which is watched by various viewers.
01:16:09 📊 The presenter introduces different research methods. Observational research involves no intervention from the researcher and only observes events.
01:17:02 👨‍👩‍👧 Observational researchers might speculate about events but will not actively investigate on-site.
01:18:09 🔬 Experimental research, however, involves the researcher manipulating the study variable and is often prospective, planned, and measures events longitudinally.
01:19:04 🚓 Using the accident as an example, a police officer represents the experimental researcher investigating the cause and effect.
01:20:02 🎤 Journalists also play a role in gathering and disseminating information based on their research methodology.
01:20:58 📅 Research can be prospective, where data is gathered for the investigation, or retrospective, where past data is analyzed.
01:22:10 📏 Research can be either transversal, where data is measured at one point, or longitudinal, where data is measured multiple times.
01:23:42 📜 Depending on the number of variables, research can be descriptive (one variable) or analytical (two or more variables).
01:25:45 📚 The presenter dives deeper into variables, discussing the differences between qualitative (descriptive) and quantitative (measurable) variables.
01:27:16 🧪 Variables can be either discrete (whole numbers) or continuous (can include decimals).
01:33:35 ↔️ Differentiating between dependent and independent variables; the independent variable is controlled, while the dependent variable changes in response.
01:34:01 🏃‍♂️ Using running as an example, for every mile run, one burns 100 calories.

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Felicidades Dr. muy didáctica su presentación, gracias


Muy buena explicacion gracias por compsrtir😊🎉❤


dr . puede subir la parte 2 por favor ya que va terminar el semestre y estan pidiendo que entregemos un trabajo de investigacion


Una respuesta puede ser que fue lanzado por una catapulta.


Dr cuantas hojas tiene que tener el planteamiento del problema


La única cosa que me molesta en este video es la música, tengo Problema de concentración y no puedo entender 😔


Estaba viendo el vídeo Pero la música fastidia realmente... Para variar ni siquiera un instrumental sino cantada


muy interesante la investigacion pero, no logro concentrarme con esa musica a tan alto volumen


Definitivamente la música no me deja concentrarme, la explicación está muy bien, pero Definitivamente la música no me gusta! 😢


Profesor, la música distrae demasiado, quita el foco a sus palabras. En música decimos "a riqueza armónica, pobreza melódica" y viceversa. Lo mismo aplica acá, la música desenfoca sus palabras :/
