14 Signs of a Weak Minded Person

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Today we learned the signs of a weak minded person. A mentally weak individual often will have social troubles that you can spot from a mile away.

How Rumination Differs from Emotional Processing
Are You a Quitter? Time to Bulk Up Your Willpower
How to Recognize and Redirect Self-Pity
How Emotionally Intelligent People Handle Criticism
When Someone Won’t Own Up to Their Bad Behavior

Chief Editor: Tristan Reed
Voice Over: Troy W. Hudson
Рекомендации по теме

1. The Qitter's mindset
2. Missing Your Purpose
3. Failure to Deliver
4. Destructive Criticism
5. Apologetic Manipulation
6. The Obsession Problem
7. Extreme Emotional Outbursts
8. Running from Reality
9. The Shortcut Mentality
10. Terrifying Transformations
11. Holding onto Negativity
12. Decision Paralysis
13. The Self-Pity Cycle
14. Shirking the Blame


I was weak minded for over 28 years, but my mind has finally strengthened itself and I fled all the toxic relationships and got with Healthy relationships and friendships. I used to apologize a ton too much too. I prayed for strength and finally found it.


Many of these things can be found in people who grew up in dysfunctional homes. To say someone is weak-minded is to have a lack of understanding about psychology! If someone dealt with such things, it’s silly to expect them to function just like people who grew up in functional and loving homes with lots of support that made them develop trust in their abilites and many more positive things.


Unhealthy relationships can really make a person weak minded. When you love toxic and unhealthy people it can take a toll on you. Don’t beat yourself up if you find that you are weak minded. Learn and grow. Grow an Go! Create the life that you want!


People, quit labeling yourselves from a video. Don’t beat yourselves up. Your true friends are your mirrors and will tell you what you need to improve. I’m learning some hard lessons, but I will continue to grow and so will you. Real friends don’t tear you down, they tell you what they see without malice. Listen, reflect, then act on it.


Describing a total narcissist. They do not prefer direct communication to keep gaining control and manipulation which is not healthy.


1 in 8 adults have disabilities for example a TBI or PTSD, etc. and people tend to automatically think they are weak. They are extremely quick to judge. In 2019, 1 in every 8 people, or 970 million people around the world were living with a mental disorder, with anxiety and depressive disorders the most common. People need to learn how to be more understanding that’s the Real disorder.


ADHD can cause a lot of these tendencies. It takes a lot more effort to overcome the tendencies of your own brain.


Thanks for reminding❤ I have just realized how weak minded I am the past few months and this video was a great help to start checking and correcting my path


Right now I'm playing this video really loud so a certain person can hear! I SWEAR, HE JUST WALKED OUT OF THE DOOR! WEAK, WEAK, WEAK!


Never judge or underestimate a person who may seem introverted or quietly keep to themselves. Managers, supervisors, and insecure coworkers who try to walk over these individuals find out the hard way. These people observe, and strategize, and when you don't expect it silently move in the shadows and make their move. I know I am one of these people. We just want to do our best work and stay out of the limelight. We get our praise from within ourselves. The executive leadership from the President /CEO down to department management is now at my feet asking for forgiveness. Heed this warning. Unless these people are not performing their legitimate work duties leave them alone and respect them.


I think this person that made this video has got proud minded and strong minded mixed up because the things they mention just seem to fit a confident or over confident person on some of what they listed. sometimes a strong mind is a lot more than just your confidence it's also about humility and how long you endure during uncomfortable situation. For a example what they call a week mind is caused by being over criticized or from being around others that over criticize. But you can strong minded wrong direction because really strong minded is about you maintaining who you are without the world being able to change you. In other words you don't conform, instead you remain strong in what you believe without being changed dispite the world around you.


My goal is to be happy and at peace in life.


This one doesn't get an upvote from me. Slamming people who have social difficulties as being weak-minded is obnoxious. Do you think that if they could, for example, read body language they would exhibit difficulties in obtaining romance? I speak as someone who identifies as being on the autism spectrum. I could say a few pointed things about neurotypicals I have to deal with on a regular basis but won't, not because I am "weak-minded" but because it is insulting and inflammatory. It happens to be my misfortune that I can solve problems others can't and they call on me to do it for them thus robbing me of my time which I could just refuse to do but then I guess I'm weak-minded (or perhaps wanting to simply help others who are basically helpless).


first is seeing your flaws
try to accept them
learn to improve the strengths
keep doing and stay consistent


I accept that I am mentally weak person. But I am willing to be a strong minded man.


I am the archetype or this. If I challenged all of these things it would be very revealing. I'm changing now but I can't change everything I want to all at once. This has really opened my mind. I'm not crushed but a bit disappointed. I feel naked that this has been uncovered in myself. I dont know why I had to be this way since I was in school but it could have been the way my mother raised me and the dope I smoked. I look around and wonder where other people get the motivation. I asked a work colleague ten years ago and he had nothing to tell me. Life can be vicious and I can't live in this comfy dopey routine forever. I pushed to do more excersise today. I find that help. Stopped drinking for a couple of months. Got obsessed with cleaning the kitchen. Those are some good things I have achieved so far lately. I will continue to pray as well. Pray to who? Myself? The ringing in my ear? Starting again. Here I go. Spreading love to strangers who need it!


The sigh of relief was nice.
I have two of these signs, but I was aware of them both and am still working on fixing them to this day.


A lot of these points are symptoms of ADHD, almost all of them. A lot of people think that it is a nothing condition, and some think that it doesn’t even exist. Untreated adult ADHD can be very damaging to a persons life outcomes - in the long run more damaging than a lot of the more visible disabilities.


It's OK to quit sometimes. You can and should back off of from promises made under emotional blackmail for example.
