President Nelson Stresses Importance of Jesus Christ in Church Name: “It Is His Church”

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Nearly two months after his brief statement about the name of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, President Russell M. Nelson spoke at length on the importance of the Church’s full name.
Speaking at the Sunday morning session of the October 2018 general conference, he quoted the 1838 scripture, given in the voice of Jesus Christ, that spells out the Church’s name: “For thus shall my church be called in the last days, even The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.”
“For much of the world, the Lord’s Church is presently disguised as the ‘Mormon Church.’ But we as members of the Lord’s Church know who stands at its head: Jesus Christ Himself,” President Nelson said. “I realize with profound regret that we have unwittingly acquiesced in the Lord’s restored Church being called by other names, each of which expunges the sacred name of Jesus Christ!”
These nicknames include “LDS Church,” “Mormon Church” and “Church of the Latter-day Saints.” With each of these names, President Nelson said, “the most glaring omission is the absence of the Savior’s name. … When we discard the Savior’s name, we are subtly disregarding all that Jesus Christ did for us — even His Atonement.”
Speaking at the Sunday morning session of the October 2018 general conference, he quoted the 1838 scripture, given in the voice of Jesus Christ, that spells out the Church’s name: “For thus shall my church be called in the last days, even The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.”
“For much of the world, the Lord’s Church is presently disguised as the ‘Mormon Church.’ But we as members of the Lord’s Church know who stands at its head: Jesus Christ Himself,” President Nelson said. “I realize with profound regret that we have unwittingly acquiesced in the Lord’s restored Church being called by other names, each of which expunges the sacred name of Jesus Christ!”
These nicknames include “LDS Church,” “Mormon Church” and “Church of the Latter-day Saints.” With each of these names, President Nelson said, “the most glaring omission is the absence of the Savior’s name. … When we discard the Savior’s name, we are subtly disregarding all that Jesus Christ did for us — even His Atonement.”