The Secrets to a Better Sleep: How To Prioritize Sleep and Make It Your Spiritual Practice

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Have you ever spoken about how little sleep you’ve gotten and how you’re managing to push through the exhaustion with pride, as though lack of sleep is a badge of honor?

While we’ve been programmed to believe that the less we sleep, the more we’ll get done because we’ll be awake more hours, the opposite is actually true.

I’d love to hear from you:

What’s your relationship with sleep like? Do you sleep a little or a lot? What’s one thing you learned from the video that you can take action on to prioritize sleep immediately?

Leave a comment and tell me all about it!

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I've loved sleeping long hours since I can remember but I've always felt really guilty about it because "society" says if you sleep you are lazy and others are running the race while you sleep. It's been an internal battle of mine since I started being an entrepreneur but I do have to say I do not feel like sleeping keeps me from progressing in my business and in my life but to the contrary. Other stuff like not knowing who we are or what our values are are much more likely to slow our progress than sleeping a lot! Thanks for reminding me of that Kate!


All those sleep hours sound amazing. Tonight I’m watching YouTube instead, but that is partly because my husband is putzing while he gets ready for travel. Thanks for this video. Sometimes we just need someone to give us permission to get some rest.


I think sleep is my spiritual practice too! :)
I love naps much. <3
