Animal Crossing New Horizons: Nintendo Live 2023 Details Revealed

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A guide to ACNH news, New Horizons updates and Nintendo news 🥳
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📜 A Little About Todays Topic:
Welcome to my Animal Crossing channel. Today's Animal Crossing New Horizons video is all about the latest Nintendo Live 2023 details.
Specifically we breakdown everything you need to know about Nintendo Live 2023, based on the information announced by Nintendo earlier today. We then focus on what role Animal Crossing New Horizons will play at this Event, and where the game or the franchise will appear.
Will you be attending Nintendo Live 2023? Are you looking forward to the Event? Let us know and thanks for watching 🥰

🥁 Word Of The Day:
If you read this far, please post "LIVE" in the comments 📸

On the off-chance you're reading this far in the description, I just want to say thank you for being so awesome, and I want you to know how grateful I am for being able to make Animal Crossing content, and having you click in and watch. It truly means the world, and I'm way beyond grateful. Thank you, stay awesome, and I hope you enjoyed the video. See you in the next one 🙏❤️

🔎 Sources/Credits/Further Reading:

🎨 Patterns I use:
►Dirt/Stone Path Patterns: Creator ID: MA-6647-9230-4716
►Wasp Sign: MO-QBWW-CT0W-832D

💭 Dream Address:
►Moriland: DA-5470-0186-1170
►Moriween: DA-2054-5278-7699

📲 Let's Connect:

🔖 Tags:
#AnimalCrossing #ACNH #AnimalCrossingNewHorizons
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They should just give us an update to make the island bigger so we can have more villagers and building space. I would also love an extended city area that looks like City Folk, or maybe just bring back the mini competitions you could do with friends from New Leaf that was ran by Tortimer.. a lot they could do with this game to bring more people back.


They should add new fruits like lemons, mangos pineapples and strawberries, also should make tuna and lobster as food recipes


I love that they're still promoting ACNH


I did expect a KK concert. I saw the concert here on Youtube from the last Nintendo Live. It was awesome. Zelda music is an interesting choice. I hope someone videos it so we can see it and hear it, it should be interesting.. At least there are still photo ops. with AC, thanks for the video.


I kinda expected music from AC and splat, not Mario and Zelda, not that I’m complaining it’s just that it’s weird to have AC on the front of advertising if it’s just photo ops. Makes me go 🤨


All I ever desired from ACNH to make it absolute perfection was in-depth character personality. I know that's a big deal given there are over 400 villagers now, but imagine the depth of the game if the various interactions between player and villager changed depending on their friendship level?


Give us more things to do with nook miles. Got 500k miles and idk what to do with it.


Sounds like a really fun time. It's way too far from me to attend.


Just bring back the villager errands!!!! The staleness I feel in this game has to do with the lack of depth from the villagers and lack of errands. Errands was the bread and butter of the GameCube version tbh and it honestly pulls a lot of joy out of the fame for me. Would also be nice to add the city from city folk. The game also capped out on house expansions way too quickly. It was too easy in this game to fully expand your house, where previous games it felt like it took so long.


They should just update the game again, its so unfinished! I loved getting excited for new updates so when there was nothing to do there was always something to look forward to :((


could you possibly make a video about all the updates since ACNH has released? i haven’t played since 2020 and i’m a little overwhelmed by all the new features!


I just hope there’s Pokémon at the event too


They should fix the LAG. That’s ridiculously annoying and it’s been keeping me from playing


I’m confused. Is it only a “chance to attend”?
I see you can register for a chance to attend through free to win drawing. But I don’t see actual tickets or whatever being sold maybe I’m lost 😅


I wish I could take my son to this event but he wouldn’t do well with the crowds. ❤thanks for the update.


If Ichoose an update I would only want two things. First, to be able to talk to villagers and second, to be able to use reactions before villagers walk away.


It's like remember we have animal crossing even if we've all but abandoned it


Wish the entries luck for attending Nintendo Live this fall
