9 MISTAKES Adventure Motorcycle Riders Make Every Day - You Can Do Better - Dual Sport Riders Too

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Professional motorcycle rider & trainer Bret Tkacs explains the nine most common mistakes he sees new and experienced motorcycle riders make every day. Watch and learn the right tire pressure, braking technique, control grip, standing /sitting positions and more!
Are you guilty? Let us know in the comments!

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Fun story: I live in the Yukon and had to deliver some parts to my buddy whos truck had broken down in a small community 180km north of my home town. I decided to take my brand new V-Strom 1000XT for its first real road trip and set off for what was to become quite the adventure. I arrived at his location around 9:30pm, helped repair his broken rig, and left an hour later. By 11:00pm it was pitch black, raining, and 7'C. Cold, wet, and dark. This was my first time riding in these conditions and I had little riding experience to begin with. The return trip home that would normally take less then 2 hours ended up taking almost 4 hours. The entire ride was terrifying but there was one section of highway that really stood out for me.

This particular section of road was under construction and had become a shit mix of mud and loose gravel. The fact that I couldn't see the road in front of me made it impossible to pick a 'safe' line through, and all I could think of was 'let it do it's thing' as I entered the construction zone. The V-Strom literally took me from one side of the road to the other several times, the handle bars hammering back and forth with the sudden changes in direction. I believe the only reason I stayed upright was because of some of the things I learned while watching this channel. Stay calm, do not overreact, be smooth on the throttle, keep a loose grip on the handle bars, and let the bike go where it needs to go. I had no idea a bike could behave so violently and still maintain 'control'.

I have no desire to be in that situation ever again but I am grateful for the experience as I learned a lot from it. It was exhausting but in the end I made it home safe and sound. If it wasn't for videos like these that likely would not have been the case. Thank you for putting this information out there so new riders like me have a better chance at surviving their own stupidity!


Often overlooked: trying to learn to ride offroad on a $14, 000, 500 lb bike. If you’ve never ridden off road, spend a year on a used DRZ400 or a KLR 650 ( or a real dirt bike) that you can drop, scratch up, and repair relatively cheaply. You will learn so much faster when you’re not afraid to ride the bike. Put some gnarly tires on it and learn how to have fun. Follow good riders. Climb steep stuff. Get rad. Scare yourself. Then when you finally throw down 15k for that glamorous farkle pony, you won’t bust it up on the first day it touches dirt.


Hi Bret, i just wanted to send you a wee message from Scotland.
I've just came back from 2 weeks in India, a friend and I rode from Delhi all the way up through Manali up to Leh around pangong lake lake Moriri and Kar lake and back to Manali.
The reason I'm telling you this is because I would like to thank you for all your videos as they have helped my friend and I get through our trip in one piece.
From your videos on... the weightless rider technique, sand riding, riding downhill, rock field riding, u-turns and getting back on the pegs to name a few.
These videos made our trip as we had full days of off road riding, river crossings, riding rocky river beds, riding down slippy clay descents, deep sandy areas and even some snow riding and without your videos I think we would have struggled alot more than we did.
So thank you again for all your videos, keep them coming!
They have made a massive difference to my riding and my holiday.
Thanks again,


Thank you Bret for taking the time to do these vids. I've learned so much from you about adv riding properly.


My '17 Africa cost $12, 200. Learning from you has been priceless. What I have found, much to my surprise, is that a lot of what you teach I was already doing because of common sense... and large bikes require a different rider input. Ergonomics on the bike was probably the most shocking lesson from you. I am 6'1" and 220lbs. Just rotating the bars and re-setting the lever position made it a completely different bike. Thank you Bret for the confidence and education you have given to me and countless others. I hope to make the trip from N.Y. some day to experience your classes...but for now your videos are making a huge difference. Thank you for that.


Thanks Brett! All of your tips were incredibly wise and something I would’ve never thought of. I’m a newbie on a KL 650 and the only wise thing I’ve done so far is stripped the bike down to the basics, and added crash bars and aggressive motor cross pegs for traction. Hoping to get on the trail soon -so far trail riding has been limited to my grassy backyard. But I am having lots of fun on the road, so it’s time for me to expand my horizons. I will certainly look for an experience, professional trainer and hope to learn a lot.


I have to say, there are so many techniques I've learned, practiced, and put into action due to your videos.

I began riding in June of this last year and these videos have single handedly (with perhaps a bit of help from Ryan F9) made me a better, smarter, more confident and effective rider off road.

I now find myself intentionally log hopping, tackling steep, rocky climbs and aiming for the deep mud so as to better understand my bike and frankly, to make the adventures that more entertaining. I've ridden over 8000 miles, mostly on just weekends since June 15th, including large gaps where I didn't ride at all due to weather, travel, and being sick with the flu. Thanks Bret. Always looking forward to the next video.


I have been riding Adventure bikes before they were called ADV bikes, started in has taken me a long time to trust the bike and look ahead....trust the bike to basically go over the rocks and obstacles directly in front of you trust the suspension and tyres that they will do their job. Standing up when the track is rough is also one of the hardest things to do as you feel that you have further to fall, but the fack is that you will have less chance of


It feels like every second comment I make on people’s videos is a quote from one of your tips. You and Chris Birch taught me pretty much everything I know about adventure riding.


Thx Bret for your advice, I have done many of dose mistakes already, but still learning.


Another fantastic video Bret! You covered the basics that I need to be reminded of constantly. I left the video committed to coming to one of your trainings.


Thanks for another great, very informative video. Really appreciate you sharing what you’ve learned and what you teach and just putting out there for all of us! I’m pretty new to the sport after not riding for 35 yrs. and your material has been extremely helpful. Thanks much Brett!


Your videos have gone so far in making me a better rider. Thanks for taking the time to put these out there. I would love to attend one of your classes, but until then, the work you put into these videos is greatly appreciated. Thank you!


Well I started off 45 years ago with an enduro, learned to ride on the way home form the dealer. My how things have changed. I have been riding for over 45 years before I took my first riding class for duel sport riding class. I learned so much Im going back for more. Love your channel


Thank you very much for this series Bret!! I don't get a chance to ride as often as I'd like. I watch your training videos over and again every week and they help me be a safer rider every chance I get to ride. You're the Saint of the ADV world. Thank you very much! I'm eagerly waiting for your next videos. I do hope you do another more in-depth video on how to off-road with a pillion. :-)


That was a wonderful refresher to all that you have taught us Bret. Thank you!!!


Thank you for everything you, Paul and Christiana have taught me and shared with me. Everytime I ride I think of you guys (mostly in good ways :-) about your advice and teachings. Godspeed


What a great video! Thanks Bret! -->subscribed! (I also really like the use of jazz drums as audio filler, that's a great sound and very applicable to the cadence of dual sport riding.)


Thanks again for another great video on tips. I have more recently taken my 650gs off road and your information has kept me upright. I have gone where my ol’xr200 used to take me. Additionally, your info has helped me know when to call it quits to either conquer another day with a fellow rider, or just know when the terrain has striped my skill and equipment. Don’t be surprised to see me at one of your courses one day. Thanks again.
