Celebrity Antiques Road Trip S12E05

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I loved these ladies and the blue glass especially! Wonderful episode. ❤


Great national treasure! Kudos for the experts surviving this slaughterhouse of self respect. Praise for the restraint of this auctioneer!


Some of the so called 'celebs' are great. This pair just grate. Loud, abrasive, rude, do they not teach manners and decorum in the 'Home Counties? I kept imagining the gin soaked old slumdwellers in Whitechapel at the time of the Ripper! . Linda's behaviour at the auction was appalling.


Good heavens! How can adult women act like this? (And the men are not much better.) It was obvious that, after the ladies' outrageous outbursts (near the end of the show), the non-nonsense auctioneer -- "off-camera" -- forced them to shut their mouths! This program was almost unbearable. How has this TV series continued for twelve years (or "seasons") without being canceled? Is the problem caused by the viewing public? Do they put up with -- or even [shudder!] enjoy -- programs of poor quality without demanding that they be canceled? The British people are correctly known, the world over, as being dignified and "classy." How could all four of these people fail to live up to the national reputation by acting so immaturely? The only somewhat classy people in this program were the shop-owners and the auctioneer!
