Hello GIGA Display Shield

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This presentation is a quick introduction to the key features of the Arduino GIGA Display Shield that serves as a Hardware Accessory on Top (HAT) to the GIGA R1 WiFi board. These features include but not limited to:

- 4” Touch Screen
- 800 x 480 resolution, 16 M colors
- Sensors: IMU and Microphone
- Camera interface (Arducam 20-pin)

Since it is attached to the back of the GIGA R1 WiFi board, all existing GIGA R1 WiFi connections are accessible without hindrance.

The two key graphics libraries supported by the GIGA Display Shield are LVGL and GFX. There is a teaser section on TinyGL.
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Hello, can i use SquareLine Studio to Build UI and then upload to Display or how to use as a video player? can you make video about this topic?
