Beyond the Words | Mark 2

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So many people want to read the Bible but don't know how to begin.
It's hard to understand. Things don't make sense.
My plan is to help you change that.

In this new series called "Beyond the Words," I'm going to reveal for you the history, context, and other details that will bring scripture to life in an entirely new way, and help you feel like you can understand it as never before.

This week, we're going to look closely at Mark 2. In this chapter, you'll learn things like:
- Why was Jesus in Capernaum?
- Why did Jesus' miraculous healing upset people?
- What other disciple might Matthew be related to?
- Why are the pharisees annoyed by Jesus' disciples?
- And more!

I'm really excited about this series! Thank you so much for taking the time to watch!

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I've listened to you now a few times and your insight is a gift from God.
Thank you
and Praise be to God !!


Learning the Bible the way you explain it and the points you make is so wonderful! I am being encouraged to continue my Bible study with your videos Thanks so much! God bless you!


I'm totally broken 💔 my husband was called home because of COVID-19. I often find myself in a dark world but I love what you said, " because of Jesus there are good things happening around me" I need to remind myself that that is so true!! Thank you so much 💓 💗 💛


Everytime I listen to you Brandon I Come Away more enlightened and my faith increased


I want to thank you Brandon, my dear brother in Yeshua, you express and make clear to those that feel the need to follow Yeshua in spirit and in truth. As you well know, there are all sorts of stories that have sprung up over the millennia that are based on misunderstanding the Hebraic mindset, we tend to forget that Yeshua was a Pharisee as all his disciples were, we cannot come to an accurate understanding of the Gospel by using a Hellenistic mindset. The synoptic Gospels, although mostly written in koine (common) Greek they still contained the Hebrew mindset and, if we are to gain an accurate understanding of the Gospel, we must also read them through our Hebrew filter.

I find your explanations clear and concise and bring home many of these Hebraisms in a way that is easily understandable to those who are just beginning to dig deeper into the scriptures for themselves, just as the Bereans did, and by doing so and with the help of the Ruach ha’Kodesh they will certainly be able to “follow” the Master Yeshua into the truth.

There is just one small point that I have picked up on and would like to ask you, in what way do you consider Yeshua to be Almighty God?

This is a debate that has been ongoing for centuries and the Brit ha’Dashah (New/Renewed Covenant) is quire clear as to the true identity of Yeshua but, by misunderstanding or mistranslation there are many differing views on this topic but there is only one truth and that is found in scripture.



stay in the word as you have received! do not stray! truly blessed to be able to be doing this, bringin people to the lord!Amen


I’m thrilled I’ve found your teaching Brandon you are a real gift from God with your knowledge of scripture I’m having a ball learning and seeing the Bible in a new way


The second comin of Jesus is now. He never left. All we have to do is awaken t the truth that he is there and ask for him to teach us the truth. Ask for him to come into our hearts.


Brandon: the lord has truly given the gift, speaking the word, truly amazing, I was born catholic and I can’t get enough of the words you speak, listen to you as mush as I can, thank you for everything you do! Amen


Colleen Fisher Corvallis Oregon, Thank you for being so very helpful. I cannot wait to dive deep into a new book that I have never read before. This will be the first book that I start a full reading and studying. Only wish I had someone here with me to study with me but I have have Jesus so I am not alone. I have the best study partner


Matthew ch 18 verse 20 For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”


God's not just "with us", He indwells our minds with His pre-personal spirit fragment, leading us in the paths to perfection. He is our ever-present companion sharing the entirety of our life with us. An intimate friend, if we'll let down our guard and commune with Him.


Thank you for sharing the Gospels with us. May the Word spread throughout the world. Praise the Lord..


Thank you Brandon this means so much to me. I love your gentleness and compassion for those you are ministering to.


I long to be a part of a biblical Christian community. Please pray for me that the Lord shows me where he wants me.


I am most grateful to you for making the Bible easier to understand and making it seem less daunting. I love listening to your explanations and taking notes so that I can go back and study the scriptures and learn new things. Thank you Brandon and God bless your ministry.💕


God bless ur enthusiasm and gift fir teaching


Your passion to share ‘new’ aspects of the Bible shines


Thank you Brandon I love watching your videos, over & over again. I have been a Christian for more than 60 + years, your teaching makes it so easy to understand the scriptures. Blessings in Christ.


Brandon brother your are highlighting such details in depth on scriptures in the Bible that we don't normally learn from pastors or from Bible study groups. I thank and praise God for finding you on YouTube just recently.I have been a Christian for a long time and have certain questions that haven't quite been answered until I started listening to you. May God richly bless you brother and your Kingdom ministry 🙏
