What To Do When My Spouse Wants A Divorce

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"Saving Your Marriage: Strategies When Your Spouse Wants a Divorce | Coach Lee"

Welcome to a crucial video for anyone facing the heartbreaking situation of a spouse seeking a divorce.

In this deeply insightful and empathetic session, Coach Lee, a seasoned relationship expert, shares powerful strategies and wisdom for those hoping to change their spouse's mind about divorce and give their marriage the best chance of survival.

About This Video:

Divorce is not always the final answer, and sometimes, a marriage can be salvaged from the brink.

Coach Lee's approach in this video is grounded in understanding human psychology, emotional needs, and the dynamics of marital relationships.

He provides a compassionate, step-by-step guide on how to approach this delicate situation, keeping in mind the emotional turmoil you're going through.

What You'll Learn:

Understanding Your Spouse's Perspective: Gain insights into the possible reasons behind your spouse's decision.

Coach Lee delves into common issues that lead to such drastic decisions and how to address them effectively.

Effective Communication Techniques: Learn how to communicate with your spouse during this challenging time.

Discover the importance of listening, empathy, and expressing your feelings in a way that fosters understanding rather than conflict.

The Power of Self-Reflection: Explore the importance of self-reflection in this process.

Coach Lee encourages viewers to look inward to understand their contributions to the relationship's current state and how personal growth can positively impact the marriage.

Rebuilding Connection: Strategies to rebuild emotional connection and intimacy.

These practical tips are designed to rekindle the love and bond that may have diminished over time.

Managing Emotions and Stress: Get advice on handling your emotions and stress healthily.

It's crucial to stay grounded and clear-headed to make the best decisions for your relationship.

Navigating the No Contact Rule: Learn when and how to use the no contact rule effectively in a marriage facing potential divorce.

Understand its psychological basis and how it can create space for re-evaluation and potential reconciliation.

Seeking Professional Help: Coach Lee discusses the importance of seeking counseling or therapy, either individually or as a couple, and how it can provide valuable tools and insights for repairing and strengthening your marriage.

Who Should Watch This Video:

This video is a must-watch for anyone whose spouse has expressed a desire for divorce and who believes in the potential for reconciliation and healing.

Whether you're in the early stages of this crisis or have been grappling with it for some time, Coach Lee's guidance can offer you a new perspective and tools to approach your situation more effectively.

A Message from Coach Lee:

"I understand the pain, confusion, and desperation that can come with hearing that your spouse wants a divorce. But there is hope, and sometimes a marriage that seems doomed can emerge even stronger. My goal is to help you navigate this tough time with dignity, wisdom, and a clear plan."

Engage with Our Community:

Comment Below: Share your thoughts, experiences, and questions in the comments section. Coach Lee often responds to comments and your input can also help others in similar situations.

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Share the Video: If you know someone going through a similar situation, consider sharing this video with them. It might provide them with much-needed guidance and support.

Remember, you're not alone in this journey.

With the right approach, understanding, and effort, there's always a chance to turn things around.

Thank you for watching, and take the first step towards healing and possibly saving your marriage.

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My journey has been a rollercoaster, thanks to you i'd like to say i survived it but to be honest i dont know if im out of the woods yet 😂 sure feels like something like that though but i dont know. Man i dont think ill ever be the same, but a different version I sure hope its a better one, I'll try to. Unfortunately seeing your videos on my feed kind of re ignites hope strongly which right now might do me some real harm after a very long time. I dont know how to silence your videos without unsubscribing because you ve been such a lovely person Lee, for now Id have to say goodbye, maybe I'll come back once in a while to say hi haha thanks man for everything and thank you for helping thousands of people through the toughest of times. Please listen to this guy! He's the bomb!💣😂❤️‍🩹

See you on the other side!


I want the divorce because of his cheating and the fact he monkey branched to the other woman. They are sleeping together and in some kind of relationship 12wks post separation. She has taken my place. I am repulsed by them. I see him differently now. I love him but he isn't chasing me either. I'm sad.


I am in a divorce process. I said what you told from min 1:57 - 2:18 without success, maybe was too late, she is so sure about the divorce and We have had this type of conversation before...


My spouse left me and says she filing for a divorce. This is after I finally realized that I’ve been being emotionally abused for the last 7 years and started calling her out on it. All of my feelings of feeling like I was going crazy, never receiving and apology without her withdrawing, anxiety I’d never had before, feeling like I was less than a man (feeling castrated) always feeling like I was to blame for everything etc. I finally realized all these feelings were the result of emotional abuse. I have very mixed feelings right now. I’m a Christian and do not believe that even me filing for a divorce, much less HER, is biblical grounds for divorce. I don’t want to be around her so I can heal and learn how to set boundaries for myself but also want to let God work on this mess and not get in HIS way. It’s so confusing.


I agree with all you are saying, but I have a problem hoping for consideration once the asking for the divorce has happened. The relationship would seem arkward and the future will seem unsure somehow, given the fact that this decision took some time to reach.


I wish I saw this video before 😊. But now it's too late as he is living peacefully with his new someone. 😊


You know what? This advice while good intentioned is just shit when you’ve given a woman your whole life and she just walks away after thirty years of marriage. I was left blindsided, although every video I’ve seen points to her having considered her position for months or even years. I only wish I knew the outcome when I first met her, gave up my military career for her, bought and paid of our home. For her. I would have run the other way.


4:50 - Stop negative reactions... That's a good one.


So listen Coach, I am kind of confused again. At the part where you said you that you shouldn't leave, because you don't want them to have relief etc., isn't that the opposite of what's supposed to happen?? Why is it different for a spouse vs an ex? Like if you don't want your spouse to experience that, why is it necessary for an ex to? Thank you for your information as always!


I broke up with my girlfriend of 10 months because I was not sure of my feelings and I had lost some attraction as well as interning abroad being 6 hours ahead. After a month I realized I’d made a mistake and reached out to her saying so. She was open to talking and said that we can revisit the idea when I return (2 months later) because I couldn’t prove I’ve changed being away. I return in a week and I messaged her asking if we could talk when I get back and she responded a day later with her saying she’s thought about it during the past month and she doesn’t think it’s a good idea to talk because she’s in a good place and doesn’t want to risk it. She said she has no bad feelings towards me and hope I can see where she is coming from. She said it wasn’t easy for her but feels confident on this decision. She said to then have a good last semester. Should I respond?


Mine said today she doesn't think she can be my wife right now, maybe later.. also she is scared to lose me out of her life.. I don't get it


Wish I didn't have to leave, tried for 8 weeks to stay in but her feelings weren't changing and she asked for space. Hearing that in this video has killed me :(


But if she’s asking for space do I need to leave her alone for a week or so or do I need to try and send positive messages in the meantime?


What if your wife has blocked you from contact, been separated for 10 months and hasn't sent divorce papers or will talk to me


They said it's because of them and they still Love me 😮😢Won't talk to me about. Told my sister Iam draining. I have really bad anxiety


Is my chance gone post 3 months after breakup and 1month into NC ? i begged and pleded in the start and send her roses twice.. i know its bad, she responded few times, saying she felt bad for not responding and this was really hard for heraswell then 1 month ago told me to stop texting her and force my self to move on, that she just coulndt anymore and she have been staying with me for a long time cuz she loved me but wasnt happy and waited for me to change, now she just had enough, she say she still loves me but she know that we not going to be together.. this is 4.5 years together living for 4 of them, talked kids mariged etc..


Been separated for 3 months, now my wife push me for divorce, the divorce process didn't get through last time because incomplete documents was presented. She got really upset and blamed me and blocked me on social media, should I just give up. I feel like i had zero hope but I still want our marriage of one and the half year to work out.


My ex girl reached out after 5 years of me going no contact to express how she regretted how she has acted for a long times saying she wanted to "clear the air" between us, and explained she left me for someone else and she should of been open and honest with me. Complimented me saying I'm an awesome guy and if I have questions now or in the future she will be there. Can someone explain the ambiguousness of this statement? Part of me wants to talk again but I cut her off and kind of ghosted her after that. Thanks for your insight.


what if your spouse is still being a jerk about business matters how can i have peaceful interactions when he won’t cooperate it’s like he’s trying to hurt me even more even though he left?


My husband filed for a divorce 1 year before and we are in no contact, he hates me and ready to get married again, what should i do?
