Robert Biedroń - Interview In English [Kult America]

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Recently I met a president of a Polish city and former parliament member named Robert Biedroń. He declares to be an atheist, gay, and refugee-supporter and it might seem to be very dangerous position for a politician, but here he is, proudly revealing himself. He is the first LGBT mayor in Poland and Eastern Europe, and on today's episode of Kult America we asked him about all the struggles he has to face because of it.

To see the full interview visit my Facebook page:

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faktycznie jest szczery wierzę mu, że ogląda czasem porno.


Wow thumbs up for Robert Biedroń! Finally a politician who embodies what politicians role should be: serving the people! Wish we had more of those around the world!


Awesome interview! I'm from Mexico and we have huge problems with politics. They have enormous salaries and they feel like touched by God. It's such an enormous problem because we don't feel represented by our "representatives" We want them to win modest salaries with hard work and dedication. No more corruption, no more White-Collar crimes!


Here in Portuguese schools we still have classes for "Educação Moral e Religiosa" which means "Moral and Religious education". It's optional and it's mostly for catholicism too, I never saw other religions being taught but googling yielded some results for other religions. I would guess it works in a similar fashion to Poland, if you have enough people for another religion then you can probably get it.


To ten co powiedział że słupska czarownica jest przedstawieniem sytuacji kobiet w Polsce katolickiej, a potem okazało się, że Słupsk był tedy miastem Pruskim zamieszkałym przez Niemców wyznania luterańskiego? xD


I'm polish, I guess I can call myself a conservative, and as much as I politically disagree with Biedroń in basically every possible way, I have to admit that politicians of all options should look up to him in terms of politeness, calmness and being open for discussion.


11:37 Perfect observation "...sometimes I have the impression that the word 'immigrant' doesn't necessarily include me."

As a white, American myself (and also a Polish citizen) I hear so much hate about "immigrants"... but I will often here "But you are different..."


The worst thing is that people dislike Biedroń just because he's gay, regardless of his achievements as the president of Słupsk. This is a reason we should be ashamed of ourselves, our xenophobia and homophobia. It needs to be changed.


i think u should change ur name on youtube to Kult Polmerica xD


POLAND IS NOT EASTERN EUROPE!!! Central Europe. Thank you, good day.


Najlepszy polityk w Polsce, musi bardzo się starać a nie jak reszta tej bandy bo wie że jeden zły ruch i zostanie "zlinczowany" a reszta tych baranów powie jakąś głupotę w stylu "no, nie udało się bo poprzednia władza blablabla... "gdyby reszta polityków musiała się jakkolwiek starać żeby nie wylecieć a nie działać tylko podstępem to ten kraj byłby lepszy.


Biedroń is a great man...his vision courage intelligence is as way to follow:)


Pan Biedron jest jedynym politykiem, ktorego szanuje i jego szczetosc, odwage i inteligencje.Brawo.W nosie mam to, ze jest gejem....slucham tego co mowi i to jest dobre.


Facet mówi "eastern Europe" a w napisach "Europa zachodnia"... Napraw ktoś


Maybe ask him what he has have down me for Slupsk, this conversation is far of what supposed too be asked


Do I love Biedroń or do I love Biedroń?? My dream is he'll be the president of our country, Poland, one day! He is LITERALLY the 1st ever politician whom I actually trusted and didn't dismiss/mostly dismiss as yet another indiviual. It's like a miracle. He's done nothing but prove himself over and over again as a trustworthy, intelligent, committed, courageous, kind-hearted person and a hard-working politician who ACTUALLY wants to change things for the better AND leads by example in every possible aspect! This is a massive breath of fresh air I'd never thought I'd live to witness.


Robert powinienes byc prezydentem RP nie dla tego ze jestes otwarty i szczery, tylko dla tego ze jestes inteligetnym facetem!nie to co adrian:)


Kocham tego goscia za serducho dla ludzi, za uprzejmosc i zaangazowanie.


Witam ponownie, chcialem zapytac, czy maja Panstwo moze kontakt z Sebastianem Romanem Liszka, aktywista partji Razem, ZNP oraz dzialacza LGBT w partji Biedronia? Szukam go i wierze ze Polska jest mala, wiec pytam wszystkich kto kojarzy sie z Sebastianem. Sebastian nie zaplacil za mieszkanie ponad 2000 zl i znikl. Moze cos zlego sie dzieje w jego zyciu, nie wiem. Ale zmienil numer tel. Zablokowal w social media. Z gory przepraszam za besposredniezwrocenie sie do Panstwa, tez nie czuje sie najlepej szukajac kogos w taki sposob, ale mieszkam w Azji i personalnie tym zajac sie w Polsce na razie nie moge. Dziekuje za uwage I mam nadzieje na zrozumienie. Czekamy juz czwarty rok! Czy to jest godne zachowanie? Czy tacy ludzi powinni uprawiac polityke? I jeszcze Pan Liszka mowi o prawach czlowieka!


Mr. Biedron, you have nothing to brag about. Better tell me how much petroleum jelly do you and your husband use for a week?
