Have The Courage To Be The Best Dressed Man In The Room | 5 Reasons To Be A Style Leader

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You can feel all eyes on you. Wherever you go – people look at you and observe your sense of style.

You are the best dressed man in the room.

How does it feel? Are you conscious of the attention or do you have a clear idea why you are dressed your best?

It takes courage to be the best dressed man in the room.

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When i dress well and go to class, people always ask me why i am so dressed up. I just tell them that this is how i normally dress. I am not afraid to wear a blazer and a shirt on campus even if it attracts attention. Great video btw.


You are completely right at 6:55. I am graduating with an Aerospace Engineering degree this December but I usually dress with just a t-shirt, jeans, and sandals. When people ask me what I do and I tell them, they act very surprised. Kind of like saying...you!? Looking like this! Haha. This video came at the right time for me Antonio. I made a promise to myself to start dressing nice because as you said, I have created an image through my hard work and I need to represent that. Thank you!


After 30+ years of doing this, I can confirm that it does not always make you popular with your colleagues, but that the opportunities which come your way more than make up for that :-)


In 2015, most people wear clothes that are crap and that do not fit them well. It is very easy to stand out and look your best even with a limited amount of money. 

If you invest only a bit of time and intelligence in your clothes, you will stand up everywhere. I do it because I like to look good and I do not care what the others think. It is just fantastic :-)


Antonio...I'm 58 and I enjoy dressing with style. I enjoy wearing well tailored shirts, ties, bow ties, cuff links, etc. even around the house for no special reason other than to make me feel good. Many people have commented on my style and I appreciate that they have noticed my clothes. I look forward to occasions that require suit and tie. Recently on a cruise, I wore a tuxedo or dinner jacket every night for dinner and created quite a stir in the dining room.


I remember a while back when you made a similar video about dressing nice to school events for your children and community. I acted on it and wear my tailored combatgent suit to open house and other events. It feels wonderful and despite working a blue collar job, I wear it with confidence. To the other Dad's that wear flip flops and tshirts I say challenge yourself! You're better than that!


Great video, Mr. Centeno! I have to say that I agree with you 100%. I had previously mentioned that I would wear a suit to college every day. Now, I just started law school this week and am continuing to wear a suit to class. Just yesterday I had 3 of my professors tell me that I already look like a lawyer while a classmate said; "You know you don't have to wear a suit to class, right?" Of course, there will always be someone who tries to deter you from standing above the rest but it doesn't phase me. My point is that I can attest to your message that being the best dressed man in the room really invokes a lot of respect and admiration.


Great message and my favourite video thus far. Thank you


As a 17 year old student, it sometimes be really difficult to develop your own style while everyone around you is wearing - as you were saying - shirt, jeans and running shoes. But for a few weeks (since I found your channel and have seen your videos - this one in particular), I have been trying to dress up a bit more. Nothing incredibly fancy, just a casual collared-shirt, a polo, etc.
And I actually experienced certain aspects you described already. It is very nice to see the impact it is also having on myself in a positve way.
So, thank you for making thise videos!
Greetings from Germany ;D


This is true! A while back, I started to dress better to impress a girl. I did not get the girl but my boss noticed me dressing better and out of the other workers he chose me be a team leader. My good work helped a lot in his decision but I think that once I dressed better it was then that he wanted to promote me.

Antonio, I also wanted to let you know that you inspire me to dress better. Whenever I click on one of your videos I always see you dressed amazing and speaking positively and full of life. Thanks Antonio and keep up the good work. PS I recently bought the shirt stays you mentioned in another video and so far they work perfectly.


I want to say a big thank you, Antonio. Since I started watching your channel, I have aimed to dress better than my peers. As a result, I feel much more confident and receive compliments quite frequently!
Keep up the good work with your marvellous videos!


Mr. Centeno, thank you so much for this video. I needed this push of confidence to be the best dressed man in the room. You inspired me to present myself not to impress, but to express-a much more confident, and unique individual who wants to inspire others. I am still struggling with this, but with these reminders, I am going to exercise it in college, family events, and celebrations. Once again, I am very grateful to you for creating this video and providing men out there in the world the opportunity to be a better dressed man.


I concur with the whole awkwardness of being the well dressed man in the room. During the summer this year, I spent 3 months in Montreal to work on this video game that I'm working on right now. As a 3D artist, it's very, very rare to see a suit or even a nice button up, let alone a Blazer. It was a bit awkward at first, but It kept getting better and better... Plus the complements were pretty nice as well :). I'm glad I found your videos, months prior to flying out there :).


This man is extremely polite and knows what he is talking about


no.2 is often underestimated by young people like me. inspiring is not just a "military leader inspires the soldiers to hold position", but also getting people to do small thing every day, and this makes a significant difference for yourself!

great point antonio!


stumbled across your channel when trying to remember about fashion and what to ware. After serving for 24 years and never worried about what to ware. Now that I'm in the civilian workforce the hardest decision I have to make every morning it's what to wear. Armed only with the little knowledge I gained from my uncle, I'm starting all over again. As I reach for one of his ties from 1944 it's nice to know his fashion sense is still prevalent in today's fashion circles. Thank you for sharing and passing along your knowledge.


Excellent video Antonio. I love the attitude. I love that your taking men's style away from the perception of 'elitism', and making it about 'excellence', which is something I think a lot more people can get on board with. You're changing lives, including mine!


Hey Antonio, I've been watching yours and alpha m's video for about 6 months now and today I finally had the courage to wear a whole suit in public for a whole day. It was so great, people were treating me so much better than before and better than my friend who was with me, jeans and a tshirt. Thank you so much for helping me feel confident, I hope to continue getting more confident from here. Your videos are so helpful, keep up the good work. - Jameson


Most frequently, when I rarely go out, I am usually overdressed for the occasion. But citing the line of Daniel Craig in his first outing as James Bond 007 in the movie Casino Royale: "...Do I look like I give a damm...". Toodles, Andrew, your LinkedIn connection


Hi Antonio, I'm a new business owner, working my dayjob too. I feel self conscious at my dayjob as all the men dress so badly, but your videos give me the confidence to step up and dress sharply. Many thanks.
