Can you fix receding gums? why does this happen? Dentistry dental gum myths | FMS Dental

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The answer is YESS! Stop making people hopeless


oil pulling fixes receding gums guys. tried it and it works. 100% recommend


Neem healed my gums in two weeks and they started growing back. I just made a concentrated tea with the neem leafs and used it as mouth wash. It killed the bad bacteria and got rid of the inflammation. My gums went from soft and pale to pink and hard again. Im so happy. It can be fixed!


For those who are facing this problem, I have a solution that worked on my ( yea, but you have to maintain DOING IT else it will come back in old position ) First take haldi (turmeric) and take namak (while salt), and some drops of oil and 1/4 on lemon, some toothpaste. Mix all them together and brush your teeth using fingers, dont use brush use it once or twice in a week if you wish. apply it on your teeth epecially on the gums and on the areas where it is receding. Try it for a week it will restore and aslo make your teeth white. Hope it helps


“Can you fix receding gums?” No… Not with that attitude.


This is a lie, mine grew back when I stopped eating sugar and carbs


There is a treatment called Gum graft surgery or new treatment called pinhole surgery for receding gums.


It's either due to too much brushing if you have thin gums and brush too much or too hard. Or it's from too little brushing and plaque hardens into tartar under your gums. Assuming the later you need to likely change diet (can still eat stuff but don't sip drinks, especially anything that's not water, and eat in a window and brush after). It starts when you eat. There are bacteria in your mouth called strep mutans. They are what mainly cause cavities. They are basically dormant and harmless in your saliva UNTIL sugars or starches enter. Then they eat it and produce plaque which they then stick to. After 12 hours it hardens into a thin layer and can only be safely removed by dentist. (Takes alot of not brushing to cause serious damage) the plaque also produces acid which makes your saliva, which usually has the minerals needed to repair your teeth, more acidic, making it work against your teeth. Were you ever told not to brush after eating? That's because the acid weakens your enamel and brushing then would do more harm than good. Now here is where I can tell you how to fix it. Besides eating less sugar and acidic foods and eating in windows. You should eat xylitol after meals. This helps the PH and feeds the good bacteria in your mouth. Then later you should begin your brushing routine but don't brush yet. Start with closys ultrasensitive mouthwash. Just bathe your mouth for 1 minute. Get into the problem areas on teeth and gums. It will go into your pockets and between your teeth and kill bad bacteria and also fix the ph in your mouth so you can brush safely. Then brush with fluoride toothpaste. Watch a video on how to brush properly with either electric or manual. Both are different. If you don't brush properly you won't be getting under gums which causes disease, and retracting gums. Don't brush too hard or it will further damage your gums. Here is the most controversial part of what I'm about to say. If you have bad gums already, disease of retraction, don't floss, HOWEVER your HAVE TO replace flossing. Flossing, especially with bad gums can cause more issues and spread disease and infection as well as receed gums further. You should only floss when needed and instead, after brushing, use listerine original or cool mint for as long as you can tolerate then finally finish with act fluoride cavity repair mouthwash for 1 minute. This is all important. For example if you skip on last step the listerine, although good in alot of ways, will leave your saliva acidic. The order is important. Do your own research and don't be dumb. Learn what the issue is, what causes it and how you can do things to change that. Read into the bacteria and studies on mouthwashes and whatnot. Especially if you have serious issues already. YOU CAN get better. I promise.


Yes you can, oil pulling, cloves, i also use this mouthwash that is alcohol free and reduces gum bleeding, and also use natural things, the body can always rebuild itself mouth wash that has alcohol in it is not good for you.


LUNAP lazer can fix the moving teeth problem .
Mssaging teeth with bi carbonate powder, salt, coconut oil heals gums.
Sound frequency grows teeth


Do not ever use an electric toothbrush, and gums can regrow, the fact that you are alive means your whole body always regenerate. Receding gums can be fixed, there's a host of videos with testimonials of natural remedies.


We def can reverse certain gum recession


I change my Dollar tree toothbrush for a bamboo fiber one. It is soft, gentle and I notice a good results in a few weeks.


I haven't brushed my teeth in a while due to severe depression and sui. thoughts...but after regaining the will to live I started taking care of myself again and found out my gums were receeding...probably due to plack buildup that I'm now taking care of...

I'd only LOVE to know if the gums could be "regrown" or sth. when the buildup's completely removed?


my dentist also told me i can't fix this, IM SO MAD, just found oil pulling, this is ridiculous


Yes, Dr Ellie Phillips has a system that works. There is hope!


My daughter had her receding gums fixed at the age of 10 with surgery so stop lying to people. It’s called a skin graft and they take skin from the roof of your mouth and put it where the receding gum is.


I just watched this when I notice my gum already receding, probably because I brush too hard.... i don't have money for dentists 😢


How to cheer people up. So defeatist, I wouldn’t let you near my mouth.


When they teach you to brush up and down in the early 90s 😂
