Ex-Trump aide says Trump admitted privately that he lost the election

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Alyssa Farah Griffin, a former White House aide under President Trump, says that she heard Trump admit privately that he lost the 2020 election to Joe Biden.
#cnn #News
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“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims, but accomplices." George Orwell


Cohen told Congress that Trump would never leave office and concede losing the election.


The House passed a bill to stop oil companies from price gouging and every single Republican voted against it. Remember that in November.
VOTE BLUE IN 22 💙🇺🇸💙


Just lock him up and stop wasting money and time


I would have more respect for Pence if he would voluntarily testify to the Jan. 6th commission. That he doesn’t makes me think that he puts his future career over our country. I will never respect that.


The idea of justice in the USA is a sick joke. Do we even have a Dept of Justice ? Seems like we don't.


IF Trump had not spent his entire 4 years empowering Putin. If he had taken Covid seriously like other countries. The economy and gas prices could be in a very different place.


True Americans will turn out to vote in November, True Americans would never vote for a political party that attempted to overthrow our government. True Americans Know it's their Patriotic Duty to vote for individuals that will address the needs of the people, not those who put Party before Country. Vote Blue because the Survival of Our Democracy Depends on it.


A word from New Zealand on ex-ambassador Scott Brown that may not have reached US shores. He was accused within the first 3 months of his tenure here of "inappropriate behaviour" toward a number of young woman visitors at official functions at both the embassy and official ambassador's residence. Diplomatic immunity was invoked more times during his first year here than has ever been invoked by US ambassador - for over 145 previous US ambassadors to NZ, and their families, have simply never required diplomatic immunity. It was noted that, like a certain ex- New York mayor, he and his wife enjoyed excessive alcohol consumption at official functions. It got to the point where US embassy staff would discreetly fail to pass on to him invitations to certain official functions (particularly those where alcohol was freely available) solely of of fear of possible diplomatic embarrassment to both embassy and the US nation as a whole.
During his first morning television appearance here - about a week after he arrived - he shockingly boasted of his love of US bourbon and that during his tenure he was looking forward to sampling as many of NZ's wines and beer as possible. This was before any mention of fostering a continuation of good trade and diplomatic relation between our two nations.
It was well known throughout the diplomatic community in Wellington that both Brown and his wife treated US embassy and official residence staff with little respect and often more like indentured slaves at their beck and call. Fortunately for the embassy staff he was rarely in attendance. He basically treated his time here as a four year, US tax payer funded holiday.
He was a complete embarrassment and the worst US ambassador to New Zealand in living memory.
PS The "stay on" US staff at the embassy a very happy celebratory party after he finally left these shores - an occasion that had never been held before.
The new ambassador, Tom Udall, is working well and his behaviour is befitting of his role here.
Thank you for reading thus far. I just thought that some real truths about this man should reach the American public.


Gas in US same as I pay in BC, Canada. It's not a US-only problem. No doubt we'll discover the gas companies gouged us all.


“My political ideal is democracy. Let every person be respected as an individual and no person be idolized.” -Dr. Albert Einstein, 1930


that's not good enough. he needs to be held accountable. lock him up


With Pence not testifying, he is showing us just how much he isn't ready to be a POTUS.


It will have to be explained to me why "intent" would be hard to prove. TFG said it out loud in public.


The most successful grifter/con man in U.S. history


She spoke the truth the minium wage is and embarrassment to the modern world 7.25 for 14 years.


The rightwing has degenerated into a monstrosity


“Shockingly, we were supposed to win easily at 64 million votes, and we got 75 million votes, and we didn’t win.” -Donald Trump. Fox News 16Jun2021

"...we didn’t win.”


Thank you so much Nina for speaking the truth and speaking out against Manchin, even though they tried to shut you down before you could criticize their beloved Manchin.


Until Trump is locked up, the world laughs at the lack of justice, and the idiocy in the USA 🤦🏼‍♀️
