Ultimate JAVA Tutorial for Beginners in Tamil | Complete JAVA Course in Tamil

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Welcome to our Java programming tutorial. We'll cover the basics of programming languages, why Java is essential, its editions and features, and what makes it platform-independent. Learn about JDK, JRE, and JVM, the structure of a Java program, and installation on PC and Android.
We'll explore classes, tokens, keywords, data types, variables, operators, loops, and control statements. Finally, we'll guide you through writing methods and a mini project to apply your knowledge.
This Video Contains
00:00:00 - Intro
00:00:24 - What is Programming Language
00:01:14 - Why We Learn JAVA?
00:08:38 - Introduction To Java
00:09:33 - Java Editions
00:10:34 - Java Features
00:11:20 - Why JAVA Is Platform Independent
00:20:08 - JDK vs JRE vs JVM
00:26:08 - Structure Of Java Program
00:32:35 - How To Install JAVA
00:42:27 - JDK 8 Instalation
00:52:53 - How To Install JAVA On Android Mobile
00:58:18 - What Is Class In JAVA?
01:06:53 - Tokens In JAVA
01:13:57 - Keywords In JAVA
01:16:12 - Identifiers In JAVA
01:24:06 - Literals in Java
01:31:50 - Data Types In JAVA
01:37:45 - Primitive Data Types In JAVA
01:39:45 - Integers
01:55:45 - Float
02:00:40 - Characters & String
02:01:16 - Switch case
02:04:58 - Boolean
02:06:41 - Variables
02:16:34 - Global & Local Variables
02:23:13 - Loop Statements
02:25:28 - Typecasting
02:26:48 - Operators
02:29:14 - While loop
02:41:00 - Operators
02:44:31 - Arithmetic Operators
02:46:17 - Do While
02:52:44 - For loop
02:55:11 - Relational Operator
03:02:10 - Increment & Decrement Operator
03:03:15 - Difference Between Pre and Post-Increment
03:16:50 - Conditional operator
03:23:04 - Logical operators
03:23:51 - AND Operator &&
03:27:53 - OR Operator ||
03:31:02 - Not Operator!
03:31:58 - Live Demo Of Logical Operators
03:41:21 - Control Statements
03:48:21 - Decision Statements
04:03:00 - Scanner Class
04:11:24 - Switch case
04:24:10 - Loop Statements
04:30:09 - While Loop
04:47:07 - DO While loop
04:53:36 - For Loop
04:56:04 - Method Function
05:04:51 - How To Write methods
05:26:19 - Mini project
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We'll explore classes, tokens, keywords, data types, variables, operators, loops, and control statements. Finally, we'll guide you through writing methods and a mini project to apply your knowledge.
This Video Contains
00:00:00 - Intro
00:00:24 - What is Programming Language
00:01:14 - Why We Learn JAVA?
00:08:38 - Introduction To Java
00:09:33 - Java Editions
00:10:34 - Java Features
00:11:20 - Why JAVA Is Platform Independent
00:20:08 - JDK vs JRE vs JVM
00:26:08 - Structure Of Java Program
00:32:35 - How To Install JAVA
00:42:27 - JDK 8 Instalation
00:52:53 - How To Install JAVA On Android Mobile
00:58:18 - What Is Class In JAVA?
01:06:53 - Tokens In JAVA
01:13:57 - Keywords In JAVA
01:16:12 - Identifiers In JAVA
01:24:06 - Literals in Java
01:31:50 - Data Types In JAVA
01:37:45 - Primitive Data Types In JAVA
01:39:45 - Integers
01:55:45 - Float
02:00:40 - Characters & String
02:01:16 - Switch case
02:04:58 - Boolean
02:06:41 - Variables
02:16:34 - Global & Local Variables
02:23:13 - Loop Statements
02:25:28 - Typecasting
02:26:48 - Operators
02:29:14 - While loop
02:41:00 - Operators
02:44:31 - Arithmetic Operators
02:46:17 - Do While
02:52:44 - For loop
02:55:11 - Relational Operator
03:02:10 - Increment & Decrement Operator
03:03:15 - Difference Between Pre and Post-Increment
03:16:50 - Conditional operator
03:23:04 - Logical operators
03:23:51 - AND Operator &&
03:27:53 - OR Operator ||
03:31:02 - Not Operator!
03:31:58 - Live Demo Of Logical Operators
03:41:21 - Control Statements
03:48:21 - Decision Statements
04:03:00 - Scanner Class
04:11:24 - Switch case
04:24:10 - Loop Statements
04:30:09 - While Loop
04:47:07 - DO While loop
04:53:36 - For Loop
04:56:04 - Method Function
05:04:51 - How To Write methods
05:26:19 - Mini project
✅ For course inquiries contact us at
📞 044 4560 5237
📱 739 739 6665 (WhatsApp)
👉 For regular updates, connect with us and follow our social media platforms