'FORWARD' | Trap Type Beat | Freestyle Beat | Type Beat | Hard Type Beat | Rap Type Beat 2025

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"FORWARD" | Trap Type Beat | Freestyle Beat | Type Beat | Hard Type Beat | Rap Type Beat 2025

🎵 BPM - 144
🎵 KEY - Em

Prod by: inner

00:00 - INTRO
00:31 - HOOK
01:02 - VERSE
01:33 - HOOK
02:04 - VERSE | OUTRO

⭕️ If you want to make profit with your music (upload your song to streaming services for example), you must purchase a license that is suitable for yourself before releasing your song. Regardless if you've purchased a license or not, you can't register your song on BMI/ASCAP/WIPO/OMPI or any worldwide copyright organization or any other Content ID system unless you have acquired an Exclusive license.

#typebeat #beat #trapbeat #rapbeat #hiphopbeat #freestylebeat


"FORWARD" | Trap Type Beat | Freestyle Beat | Type Beat | Hard Type Beat | Rap Type Beat 2025

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Рекомендации по теме

Your beats always inspire me to keep dropping 🔥this some heat fr


Buenas hermano, excelente instrumental, excelente sonido, lo voy a utilizar para un tema y lo publicaré en mi canal, te dejo los creditos como debe ser, muchas gracias crack saludos desde Argentina 🇦🇷🎶


Jesus Loves You ! 🙏🏽 Repent and carry your cross before He comes like a theif in the night 😁


Hard 🤦🏽‍♂️ who tryna be in my next music vid ?


Rozmýšľame a meníme
Potom pozeráme
Snívame nestíhame

Nikto nevie kam nás to zavedie
Preto idem po to vždy
Riskovať ten shit ti nemôže uškodiť

Všetko čierne
Postupne zo seba dávam preč
Rozmýšľam nad vecami viac
Ako to chcem
Často sa strácam potom ťahá ma to tiež

Hlavu som nechal za sebou
A začal kráčať z novou
Keby sem donesiem starú
Nebolo by to dobre somnou

Len by som sedel
Rozmýšľal jak každý druhý
Sníval by som zly se z ktorého by som sa nezobudil

Teraz len pozerám na seba
A som spokojný
Že verím tomu čo mám
A viem sa sám sebe pozrieť do oči

Každý nový z nich je zly
Sorry už sme taký raz
Tak sme sa naučili


Wake up hurt
gotta pray for that
Gotta say I'm thankful
for the painful past
Faithful that
I'm about to escape
the trap
and never look back
like a trailer attached
ill gotten gain
in exchange
for ill rotten
for the fame or cash
Brains on the dash
Waiting for Satan
pumping station gas
for a dame with ass
Another reaction
another brother
another closed
Another post blasted
for another sub_traction for
another soul transaction 😢


Lemme know if yall want me to dropa song to ts


they should call this joint str8 trash
