Why can Muslim men marry Christian women when they believe in Trinity & this is Shirk? Karim AbuZaid

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I have tried to explain the Bible (or the Injeel) in the Qur'a^n, which is numerous in Suratu Al-Imra^na, and also found in other chapters, for our Christian brothers because the people who had opposed prophet Mu^sa^ and contradicted E^sa^ were the ones who prosecuted E^sa^'s followers and annihilated E^sa^'s divine message so that his prospective followers could'nt know his entire holy message. This was done after E^sa^ was divinely rescued and lifted to heaven by the Mighty The Wise when they plotted against him. This is why E^sa^ will return to help his followers against those misleading people who had'nt wished for their salvation; To prove to them that he wasn't actually crucified and that his opponents had edited his book and his teachings so that they could misled his followers. Qur'a^na, Su^ratu An-Nisa^'a:" Some of the People of the Book will no doubt believe regarding it (the fact that he was neither crucified nor killed but he was "likened for them", and that Allahu lifted him to him(i.e. Allahu) before his death (the death of E^sa) and the day of the standing, (i.e. the big standing of the human beings, in the middle, the devils, following the human beings, and the angels, on the outskirts, for forty years in the run up to the judgement) he will testify against them".(against what his opponents fabricated about him). The name Nasa^ra^ is an equivalent of ansa^ru asked by E^sa^ and answered by the disciples, when E^sa^ asked: who is Allahi's helper? Your real religion was monotheism, and we are told in the Qur'a^n that a large majority of you (the Christians) do love god and" ... among you are priests and monks(meaning that you do like worship) and you would humble yourselves" (you would humble yourselves towards god because you do recognise the might and unimaginable power of god) We've been told in the Qur'a^na that, even after the opponents of Mu^sa^ and E^sa^ had attempted to change your book and your teachings, tears would rush into your eyes when you listened to prophet Muhammad's recitation as you used to see many similarities to what had been sent down to you. We've been informed that a large percentage of you followed prophet Muhammad as a result. We have been told that all those people were given Paradise. These facts can be found in Suratu Al-Ma^'edati towards the end.


I think the better question is who are we as ( Muslim) considering Christians.... is it the orthodox religion, modern christianity, catholic This is where clarity is need because "Allah doesn't legislate throwing Muslim to wolves in sheep clothing "... that is never the best option.


Some people think all Christians believe in trinity but in fact (May Allah (ج) guide me if I’m wrong) real Christians are Muslims technically or basically (one can say). Good and bad exist everywhere. Just like, not all “Muslims” are Muslims.
