HOW TO USE MEMOQ EFFICIENTLY (Freelance Translator, w/ Peter Reynolds)

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Thank you so much to Peter Reynolds, Co-CEO of memoQ, for coming on the channel this week. We had a great chat about the language industry and what memoQ can do for freelancers.

This video is sponsored by memoQ

Video by *Adrian Probst*

Portuguese (Brazilian) subtitles by Karina Ohashi

To subtitle my video into your native language, drop me a message to:

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- Socials -
Check out the Freelanceverse on Spotify/Instagram/Twitter as well and give it a follow :)

- Chapters -
0:00 Intro
1:05 Background of Peter
4:17 Breakthrough
5:17 Functions within memoQ
7:02 Plans for 2023
10:31 memoQ TMS
12:48 Benefits for freelancers
15:45 Words of advice
17:02 Outro
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Thanks for watching today's episode! Hope you enjoyed Peter's insights. Make sure to connect with him if you have questions. See you next week for a much, much shorter video :)


Hi Adrian, this is Benoit from Rome. This is my first comment on your channel, thanks and congratulations for all your videos, they are full of excellent contents and advices. After 20 years working for a big corporation I am coming back to my first love, i.e. the world of translation, as a freelance. I haven't decided yet which CAT I will be using (Trados or MemoQ), so I'm very interested about the other videos you posted on the subject. I'll probably download the free test versions of both and make some practice for a few weeks. Any additional suggestions will be much welcome 🙃. Cheers.


Great work. I would like to ask you about working as a translator in Germany 🇩🇪

Arabic is my mother tongue and English is my second language, but I don't know German.

Can I work in English <> Arabic translation in Germany? Or do I need to learn German first?
