I Completed 100% of ATM9 To The Sky. Here's what happened..

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🎮 Welcome to the Ultimate Minecraft Challenge! 🎮

Are you ready for the most thrilling Minecraft adventure yet? In this video, I take on the incredible "ATM9 - To the Sky" modpack and complete it from start to finish in one epic playthrough!

🔹 What's in Store:
🌌 Exploring every mod the pack has to offer.
🛠️ Mastering complex machinery and automation.
🌱 Building and optimizing farms for maximum efficiency.
🏆 Conquering challenging and unforgivable quests.
💥 Crafting an unholy amount of machinery.
🌈 Creating a sprawling sky empire with stunning builds.

📚 About ATM9 - To the Sky:
"ATM9 - To the Sky" is an immersive skyblock modpack packed with tech, magic, and some adventure! From intricate tech setups to magical explorations, this modpack has it all. Perfect for players who love a blend of challenge and creativity.

🕹️ Why You Should Watch:
Learn tips and tricks to master the modpack yourself.
Get inspired for your own Minecraft adventures.
Enjoy non-stop action and entertainment as I conquer the sky!
It's Hobble. He's Great.

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Modded Minecraft can be laggy, so I often have to put a world on a server to unburden my PC. I use Apex Hosting whenever I need to find a host.
I Have an affiliate link if you need one yourself:

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*The Modpack:*
*Second Channel* @HobbleUncut

Other videos in the series:



Hobble’s Modpack Rating System Explained:

Difficulty - How difficult I think the modpack is and how much prior modded knowledge is needed.
Progression - How well the quests help you towards finishing the modpack.
Integration - How well the mods included are integrated with progression and each other.
Repetition - Is the content repetitive? How often did I wish I had chosen a different pack?
End Game - Is the endgame content insane and grindy? Is it wholesome? Could it have been an email?
Innovation - What did the developer do that was clever, unique, or different to other packs
Enjoyment - What did I enjoy? What would I change? Who do I think that pack is suited to?
Time - How long did it take me to complete the modpack.
Рекомендации по теме

This was a big project, let me know what you think! :)
If you enjoyed yourself, please be sure to check out the other videos in this series of Completing entire modpacks in one video! :)


Thanks! This series is the best I love these episodes I know it takes a lot of time and work though.


Please never stop what you are doing, no one else on this platform provides a full play through in the edited ways you do. Even if we have to wait a month per video, it is so worth it because of how high quality each video is. Much love hobble


Hobble law: any skyblock must be indistinguishable from regular worlds by their end.

Me: regular worlds will end up as skyblocks because flatness platforms in the sky are easier to plan factories on


The spider had particle effects because spiders can rarely spawn with a random potion effect. Its actually a vanilla thing


You're legit one of the only youtubers which i don't automatically skip any video over 1½ hours. Production value is insane compared to the amount of subs you have. Perfect level of explaination, not too long and detailed but just enough to keep the overview and direction. Keep up the amazing work, for you it's simply a question of consistency before you go viral. (Thought about trying out shorts hinting to your videoes?)

Ps. Your communication skills are great, you play with tonality, speed and loudness. But please let your pauses play out longer when you speak, helps letting the information set in


I tried watching this as second monitor content.... then i realised i was too invested and switched monitor only to realise 2 hours later that I had done no work. Loved every second of it!


no criticism on how you do things, just a few things you could have done to make the early game a biiit faster. think of this as advice for those who want to try this themselves!

1. Sieves can 100% go past the book's arbitrary 25 block limit. ive personally tried up to 64 and it works with no issue.

2. the SECOND you have 10 iron, you have ore doubling. its not 100% of the time but its so stupid easy to get setup its more than worth doing. use a integrated dynamics squeezer, 2 armor stands, and a redstone clock. once you have enough iron for pipes, automate it with chests. now this is the kicker, that same squeezer method works with cobble to gravel. put the cobble gen below it, a limited barrel or a drawer on one side and the clock on another and its free gravel to sift when you need it. *YOU WILL NEED A VOID UPGRADE, THIS THING DOES NOT STOP*

3. only make 1 bucket of water and use it for a kitchen sink. its movable, compact and overall just better than a infinite source in world. this also gives you a fluid pipe to make clay crafting infinitely less motion-sicky

4. Sophisticated Storage's Compacting upgrade is by far the most useful time saver earlygame. its a heavy cost out of the gate but being able to simply throw ore chunks in and pull out full ore near-instantly is very nice. with a bit of filtering, you can use it to turn chunks to ore and integrate it into the system in the second point.

5. Ore Hammers are practically useless unless you are going for specific tier jumps for certain things. I.E. Uranium from cobbled deepslate sifting on flint meshes, turns your need of 36 chunks into, if you get lucky, only needing 12 chunks or 3 ore as the squeezer makes additional raw ore which is then doubled by the hammer. this specific usecase is nice so that lava is generated before you die of old age. use them sparingly and wisely but never rely on them.

6. *DO NOT OVERLOOK YOUR MAGIC MODS!* Occultism is relatively easy to get into and gives you a ore doubling goblin fairly cheaply and quickly that will eventually turn into ore sextupling if you arent just mass producing mystical agriculture stuff at that point. you can give him some goblin buddies to give him the stuff from chests and take it back once processed. It also has its own digital storage solution and can use Foliots to automate crafting and smelting, Basically RS/AE2 but with Crafting Minions instead of Crafting CPUs. Ars will let you "summon" new islands to exploit for its resources.

7. This one is pretty much based on luck but if you get some ender pearls, stack your armor up and make some Gateways. Early on you only have 1 real option, the emerald grove gateway. this will give u plenty of seeds/saplings/plants, a bit of hay and 6 of every farm animal if you manage to beat the mobs in each wave without letting the timer run out. i was able to handle it in plain old iron armor with an iron sword so its not super hard. the loot tables are very nice for all the gateways, use them when you can.

8. ignore the quest book for the coal generator from RFTools. skip straight to the windmill from mekanism using redstone to power the metallurgic infuser. the coal generator is efficient but has a recurring cost and isnt all that powerful so, imo, not worth it. skip it now, get the quest knocked out later when its a non-issue.

9. *use. Mekanism. Energy. Cables.* tier 2 cables are just barely worse than ultimate pipe upgrades in terms of power transfer and will totally eclipse them at tiers 3/4. the item pipes are more flexible as well, provided you use the built-in color filter system. the fluid pipes are about equal but might as well keep with the mekanism ones since were making the stuff for the other 2 right?


A well edited and high effort video that covers an entire mod pack without dragging it out over the course of 50 episodes? Liked and subbed


Tbh i rather have this kind of format then a series

Just somethings ->
for inscribers
1. you dont need to set a direction on the pattern provider
2. You dont need to connect them to the system only the pattern providers

Power orb ->
Just use a pattern provider with block mode on "Dont push if it contains crafting recipy" or something along those lines. Then use a pipe (i use pipez with diamond or netherite upgrades) to output it into the pattern provider and your done. Its generaly better to use the block crafting rather then block until crafting is returned since it can lockup the pattern provider if something goes wrong

Energy ->

Just use thermal generators from Powah with a blaze block under. Its way better in the start and it can last until you get a fussion reactor from mek which then removes all power problems

Fission Reactor ->
Please god use Integraded Dynamics for the water


A tip for Mystical Agriculture essence. Have the harvested inferium deposit directly into an RFTools crafter set to craft it all the way to Insanium (use the "Int" setting for prudentium through supremium, then "ExtC" for Insanium so it doesn't try to move the infusion crystal to the output slot, also be sure to stage each tier of essence and have the crafter remember their positions so there will always be a space for them), then have AE2 or RS programmed to auto craft down to the lower tiers. Doing this will save a ton of time when auto-crafting, as it won't have to perform potentially hundreds of crafts to reach the higher tiers. It will only ever have to perform, at most, 5 crafts to craft back down to inferium.


29:14 I believe there is actually an item called something like "packing tape" from sophisticated storage that will let you tape up the draw and break it without the items going everywhere


Unedited version

Please do sky factory 4 next!!!!


Couple things: For early power, go with thermo generators from Powah instead of the lava ones. You can overclock them with blocks of blazing crystal at first to get around 2.5x power per generator. They're a little more expensive, but not horribly so, and you're not going to be hurting for resources in this pack. The ability totems can get *insane* if you build them up. The negative effects apply to enemies, not you, and most of the abilities have multiple levels. You basically get permanent potion effects. Plus infinite saturation. And regen. And strength, and... You get the idea.


Congratulation on completing the modpack! You didn't need to upload the raw crafting footage on your second channel just for us to believe it. Also I wanted a cup of tea!


Pro tip for future AE2 singularities.
If make an autocraft pattern for the singularity with water, the pattern provider will insert enough buckets to instantly create the singularity.


keep up the good work hobble. I really enjoy your videos


i got into a boredom phase right after building a mob farm form this pack and lemme tell you seeing all these tips and tricks are doing wonders for making me want to hop back in


You're a machine! Never respected the choice to go against the algorithm more, and commit to doing the single episode pack completion challenges! Happy to be a new channel member, don't stop! :)


11:42 didnt expect you to be a fan of electroboom lol
