Intro to Finite Elements. Lecture 1.

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Linear, Static Finite Element Analysis
Structural Dynamic Finite Element Analysis
Numerical Acoustics
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A thirty lecture series on introductory finite element analysis as used in structural mechanics. Suitable for Aerospace, Mechanical, Civil, and other scientific disciplines.
The lectures were made by Professor William J. Anderson at The University of Michigan.
The material was prepared 17 years ago, but is classical in nature. The lectures start with very elementary discussions and lead to moderate sophistication. The class was typically taken by MS level engineers, with a sprinkling of BS seniors. Several commercial codes are used for examples. These lectures were widely used for industrial training, as promoted by the MacNeal-Schwendler Corporation, with sales of $300,000 for the materials (CDs, books, study guides). They are now being released by Professor Anderson at no charge to the viewers.