Intro to Finite Elements. Lecture 1.

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Dear Viewers:
You should switch to my updated playlists:
Linear, Static Finite Element Analysis
Structural Dynamic Finite Element Analysis
Numerical Acoustics
all of which have clearer video and audio representations. The new video and audio clips are identical to the older playlist, except that the text box is much bigger.

A thirty lecture series on introductory finite element analysis as used in structural mechanics. Suitable for Aerospace, Mechanical, Civil, and other scientific disciplines.
The lectures were made by Professor William J. Anderson at The University of Michigan.
The material was prepared 17 years ago, but is classical in nature. The lectures start with very elementary discussions and lead to moderate sophistication. The class was typically taken by MS level engineers, with a sprinkling of BS seniors. Several commercial codes are used for examples. These lectures were widely used for industrial training, as promoted by the MacNeal-Schwendler Corporation, with sales of $300,000 for the materials (CDs, books, study guides). They are now being released by Professor Anderson at no charge to the viewers.
Рекомендации по теме

I love your lecture sir, it helps me refresh and build-up a methodology in structural analysis and calculation. Indeed I want to practice structural engineering service before my retirement.
Thanks and God bless.


Dear Viewers,

I am in the process of updating the video clips to give far better audio and sharper video.This process should be done in a week or so.

Bill Anderson,
August 29, 2013


I just started watching, clear and cartesian, Thank you Sir.


lots of noise. good quality needed. but thanks.


Dear YM Greener,

Thank you for your kind comment of 2 months ago. I just learned how to reply!

I'm currently adding 3 new video clips to replace errors in my 3 different courses. That should be done in a week.

Be proud of your work in structural analysis. It is a tool that can be used worldwide.

Bill Anderson


Dear YM Greener,

Thanks for your kind comment from 2 months ago. I have just learned how to reply!
The field of structural mechanics is universal. Anything you learn will be applicable anywhere that structural analysis is done.

In my series of 3 courses, I left out 3 video clips (out of 100). That's not too big an error ratio. Bill Anderson


Dear faithraja,
The final relationships in structural analysis deal with absolute displacements (measured from the undeformed, unloaded body) and the total, final load. The use of virtual work ideas however brings in an incremental displacement measured from the deformed and fully loaded shape. This incremental displacement is washed out in the end, however, so is just a temporary tool.

Linear systems are fairly easy this way. Nonlinear systems get tougher.
Bill Anderson


Dear faith raja,

The important displacement at the end of the theory is the absolute displacement measured from the unloaded, undeformed shape. When virtual work is used to create elements, an incremental disturbance from the deformed shape is considered. This incremental displacement ultimately washes out, leaving all the relation between the full loads and the final, absolute displacement.
All the final equations deal with the total absolute displacement and the total load.
Bill Anderson
