Sample Circles Around a Large Circle Code PolyDev

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This JavaScript code generates small circles inside a larger circle and positions them in a circular layout. The `circles` array defines each small circle’s color and label (numbers 1 to 10). The `createCircles` function handles the rendering.

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First, it calculates the container’s radius and determines the angle between each circle to ensure equal spacing. Each circle’s size is calculated based on the container’s dimensions and reduced by a fixed value (`circleSizeReduction`).
Using trigonometric functions, the code computes x and y coordinates for each circle to place them around the center. A div element is created for each circle, styled with background color, size, and label, and positioned with absolute positioning. The result is a visually balanced arrangement of small circles rotating around a central point.

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Рекомендации по теме

✅Circles Around a Large Circle
From this sample code, you can expand to create interactive circular menus, the movement of constellations, or any other forms represented through this type of effect.
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