Dolch Pac 65 - Part 5: How to setup file sharing between Windows 98 and Windows 7

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I show how to network Win98 and Win7 so you can use the native Windows file sharing. This is a public service technical "how-to" video for the few crackpots that want to run Win98 and are faced with this odd problem. And for me to remember how I did it.
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These days I just set up an FTP server and connect to it from the Windows 98 machine. But it's nice to see that there are ways to get Windows filesharing to work.


Considering, it is sometimes quite tricky to get modern Windows computers share files with modern OSes, this is a nice achievement. Good to know, there is this unofficial SP3 package for '98.


When having to deal with old hardware, I usually do filesharing via FTP.
Is there any particular reason you do prefer the regular Windows filesharing over FTP?


This video helps a lot. and I definitely mean A LOT. I have a Toshiba 660CDT running Win98 SE w/USP3 and it's been hell moving files to and from my Ultra 10 acting as a webserver to move files to it while I have the biggo Xircom Eth card in the machine. This will save me a lot of headaches, and prevent me from having to make a lot of CDs for things I wish to install like games. Thanks a bunch for the tutorial!


man i cant tell you how hyped i am to watch this rn i have been waiting


Thank you. Finally answered the question since 2000 and XP times how to share files with 98 machines :) Network logon...


Hi Marc I'm really loving all your computer stuff adventures. Greetings from The Netherlands


That Dolch looks sweet! Never seen one before. Thanks for the video!


We want these damaged bios images !! Please Marc, they are right there.


This is a problem with various older pieces of machinery and test equipment, they work fine but can't communicate on the modern network. Industrially the trend has been to use a small form factor (like micro itx) to act as bridge. Then you can get communication without lowering network security. For home usage that might be an extreme way to go though.


nope, that unofficial service pack always messed up the UI of my windows 98 install. only ever fixed by a re-install.


I just find this video while browsing Shared Printer.... Can we do this for Printer too?


it really scares me to watch those windowses installed; at time of win xp I needed to re install it so many times I remember 25digit license code by now. it was due to sound blaster driver doing shady biz with os. msvcrt32.dll is missing I sat once a week and only thing left was reinstall. it really brought me dark ages of my life this microsoft inventions


I was actually in the process of doing something very similar (with a Win98SE guest inside VMWare and a Samba fileserver instead of Win7) just a couple of days ago: the SP3 patch is great!


Thank you so much for this, I could not get the stupid FTP working and this worked great! Win 10 (in win10 you need to install SMBv1 because it is removed from win 10)


Wouldn't it have been easier to setup a WebDAV or FTP server? Both those protocols are supported by Windows 98. Also note both can be added as "Network places" which are integrated in Windows Explore.


Kinda funny how it's way more work to make old Windows talk to new Windows than it was to make Win98 talk to (modern) Debian
IIRC all I had to do was enable some legacy logon in the Samba config, and I can browse through directories too, not sure what that's about
I tried doing this originally but as you said there's not really any info about it (until now!)


This is an interesting way to solve the issue. I do it a different way - I just enable guest account for network logon on a modern Windows (7/8/10) machine and create a shared folder for read/write by guest. Such solution doesn't require any special patches on old machines (Windows 95/98/NT3.5+) which was my hard requirement (I have multiple old machines with different versions of Windows).

Btw I see the Dolch keyboard and it looks exactly the same as the one used on IBM ThinkPads. These keyboards tend to have harder and harder key press after years... is this a problem here too?


This sadly doesn’t work for me. I’m running windows 98, not windows 98 Second edition which the program your using was made for.


I know it's a old video just you can enable smb 1.0 in modern windows, my windows 10 can talk with windows 98 and 3.1 natively without any update, just need to enable a windows function
in control panel - programs and features - enable disable windows feature, you will find "smb 1.0/CIFS file shairng support", now you can choose 3 option,
complet remove smb 1.0
client smb 1.0
server smb 1.0
work perfectly with my mahcine between windows 10 and windows 3.11
