How I Build My Bank in FoE - A Couple Microstrategies

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So you want to have some stored FP to buy goods for that next cool GB, or to really start in on your sniping game. In this video I talk about a modified swap strategy that elite players have been using that can also work just fine with any other trusted player in the game. I also touch a bit on how I find reliable and compatible players that don't object to consistent sniping as my friends.
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I know this is an old video, but I think it's still very relevant to many players today, myself included. I see that people have brought up the question why not just invest your collection directly into a 1.9 to quickly bank FP's, instead of going through all this hassle, and that's logical. However, an important component to the strategy being shown here is that you're also leveling your own GB at the same time, so there really is no opportunity cost. If you just dump your daily collection into 1.9 threads, you're doing so at the expense of raising your own GB's (since no one's priming them).


Most newbies and people that watch YouTube videos to learn whatever they can learn or doing so on their phone, you are obviously recording on a desktop with a very large screen, so the window that you're referring to is so small no one see it, mostly we're looking at your city with a little small square in the middle that you keep trying to point to and refer to. Blow your screen up before you make recordings so we can actually see what you're trying to show us... Ty


So if you swap 3480 on your own GB, looking for 1.9 threads when primed, you level them with no return BUT you do get to post for a person taking 2nd (1700) on the 1.9 thread. But if you trade the 3480 on your partner's GB and them to you, you get half back BUT do not get to post to the 1.9 thread the 2nd place (since it is now taken). So you are essentially banking FP at the same time leveling with a 1.9 crew but not getting more FP than self leveling. Ya get 1700 back but can't get 1700 from posting in the 1.9 thread for 2nd place (so a wash). This is just a way to bank roll daily income efficiently. Am I correct? I am missing anything?


I understand about the sniping np. However; I don't understand how the swapping. I just didn't understand that part.


Why not just put your collection into someone’s 1.9 thread to build up your bank ?


I've tried this with someone in guild so then instead of using bank to get p1 you just put your daily collection on so it all comes back without using bank points! The one issue about the highest era hoods is I've been told by majority of guild there's nothing on hood sniping! Unless you catch a mistake! But transferring active points to bank without using bank is a good way to get your bank up! Thank you for the video and I was just curious being in the top hoods of your world how often do you find good investments?


Sorry, but totally against sniping. Costing multiple players FPs, Medals, and BPs just so you can save a few FPs is a pretty low life thing to do. It was more common years back, but done very seldom now. Not to mention costing the owner additional FPs to guarantee the positions rewards of other investors. Additionally, the time required to seek out and calculate possible sniping opportunities is just not worth the potential rewards. Why have a game strategy of cheating other players?
