Global National: Feb. 8, 2021 | Some provinces ease COVID-19 restrictions as new cases decrease

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COVID-19 case counts are down in many parts of Canada, but more cases of the highly transmissible variants are being detected in the country. Ross Lord has more on tonight’s top story, as some provinces are beginning to ease restrictions.

Quebec reported its lowest daily infection count in weeks on Monday as non-essential retail stores, personal-care salons and museums reopened following a strict lockdown. Amanda Jelowicki reports.

Recent exposures of the U.K. COVID-19 variant at schools in Alberta and British Columbia do not appear to be spreading at this point. As Heather Yourex-West reports, early data is giving reason for cautious optimism.

Two investigations are now underway into allegations of inappropriate behaviour levelled at former chief of defence staff Gen. Jonathan Vance. Mike Le Couteur has the latest updates.

Redmond Shannon has the story of a U.K. teenager who has no memory of the COVID-19 pandemic because he fell into a coma after being hit by a car on March 1, 2020, roughly three weeks before the U.K instituted its first nationwide lockdown. Now, his family is trying to explain what has happened in the past year, even as he begins a long journey to recovery.

Even as it gears up for a potential spring election, the Green Party of Canada is being forced to deal with a controversial internal personnel decision that some party members say could be a distraction that could hurt the party’s election preparations. David Akin reports.

Plus, Tom Brady won his seventh Super Bowl on Sunday. Eric Sorensen has more on how Brady has defied his age, his critics and the odds.

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Why is no one talking about College and University. Students are forced to pay higher tuition fees than usual for an "online" Education. Billions of dollars are paid to these universities and colleges but when will they open up? When will students be able to actually use the facilities they are overcharged for?


Here’s what is insane in that British story about the guy in a coma: the family isn’t allowed to be by his bedside, for fear of infecting him; but he has already been infected TWICE, so if anybody has immunity to COVID19 it’s him.


They talk about not reopening due to the variant but never mention that it got here in the first place because of our inept government's refusal to close down travel from other countries.


Dont worry guys the government took "swift action to protect Canadians from these variants"


The world never changed, its the people in the world changed.


A new coronavirus variant? Will Canada make the same mistake and leave borders open again? The answer is yes because of the clowns up top


I like how all the people that want things closed are the ones that still gets paycheck


How many times do we have to go through this stop opening too early, it's not helping the economy long term when we need a lockdown every two months


The cases were already dropping before the stay-at-home order! Go to world of meters, under daily new cases, and you can see the peek is on Jan 3rd for Canada. The stay at home order started on Jan 14th and had zero effect. The case numbers continued to plummet at the same rate... But I'm sure you already know the government will take credit for it, just like they did when cases started dropping when the warmer weather arrived in June/July 2020.


Divide and conquer That's all i see.


Close the boarder, air, land and sea.


Worst time ever to wake up from s coma, lol...


She is right, once Toronto open it will rise.


Weird how its flu season and the cases are dramatically dropping. Could it be that they reduced the amount of cycles used for the PCR test? Nah, probably not.


Canada stopped putting money into science and research during the Harper years. Watch the film Silence of the Labs. Canada was not ready for any wide-spread pandemic and counted on the US for vaccines. Our once good relationship with Russia fell apart as our elected officials towed the US line. Russia and China have labs and vaccine we could use/purchase at a low price.


What happens if case jumps over another 4K a day, as Top Dr in YYZ says loosing restrictions dose not guarantee curb spike of variant . 2weeks later, we re shut down again?


Who are Toronto's bottom doctors?


to be fair winning a 7th super bowl at 43 is it is quite something, i wouldnt go as far to say one of the greatest players but certainly one of the greatest quarter backs with out a doubt, a great team protecting also makes for great play


Same government that says “one case is too many” as justification for draconian and senseless travel restrictions (which unfairly target low and middle income Canadians seeking to travel for essential reasons like medical procedures abroad or extended family reunification) in the very same breath allows for major reopening.


Brazi the UK. South Africa . Italy I have one question it's a serious one can anybody tell me how can thay. Protect new variant from Brazil .the . United Kingdom and South Africa and Italy don't you need the original virus I thought the original virus came from Wuhan China. So my question is in theory do you need the original strain of . To know how to say mutate. They're saying it testing positive covid-19 patients for the South African. Brazilian and the United kingdom. So the health officials are saying there is four different deadly diseases in 1. Covid-19. Disclaimer this is my opinion. . Is this how you get a vaccinations. From The . Original virus
