Billions Wasted Based on Fraudulent Alzheimer’s Research

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Fundamental to the practice of medicine is to base our decision making on sound scientific research. As such, it is beyond challenging to me, for so many reasons, that one of the most foundational research studies related to Alzheimer’s disease, published back in 2006, has now been revealed to be fraudulent.

This study, reviewed in this podcast, served to support the subsequent research that supported the so called “amyloid hypothesis.” This is basically the idea that accumulation of beta amyloid in the brain is the “cause” of Alzheimer’s disease. It isn’t. And yet, billions of dollars were spent, and continue to be spent in an attempt to create drugs to reduce amyloid in the brain, or prevent its formation, again, based on this fraudulent research.

Alzheimer’s is preventable, and we conclude the podcast looking at a new study that reveals some important information about the role of diet in terms of Alzheimer’s risk reduction.


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The biggest problem is this stupid "publish or perish" model. It makes people do horrible things. We need a new model that rewards efforts and people that do fraudulent research have lifelong bans from research


Some researchers refer to Alzheimer's as Type 3 diabetes. Basically, insulin resistance in the brain.


Wow. The corruption in the world seems to be spreading to all corners of society. Terrible. Thank You Dr. Perlmutter for all you do to try to spread the correct information on how to control our own health so we might not have to rely on our "health care" system. I truly appreciate it, and I am sure many others do too. Why can't people just be reliable and have some integrity when dealing with research.


My mother had early onset Alzheimer’s and suffered two decades before passing away a few years ago. Absolutely horrible disease. Thank you Dr. Perlmutter for all your incredible and important work.


There was a 60 minutes or similar program thirty or forty years ago that claimed the current study of beta amyloid was wrong. I do not remember who the scientist was making the claim. I always thought he was right.


This revelation further erodes the trust in authority.


Unbelievable. My sister has Alzheimer's and of course is on medication which will probably make no difference. My other sister is showing signs of the disease also, and so I'm very interested in knowing everything I can about the disease and what I can do to prevent it. Thank you so much for this information.


Wow. Just wow...I'm shocked. Thank you so much for posting this!!! Personally, I think it's an Auto-Immune disease where the inflammation attacks the brain, the way it attacks the joints for RA, the thyroid for Hashimoto's, etc. The body may be creating inflammation in response to eating the processed foods. Then the inflammation goes to the brain in this case. And goes to other areas for those diseases.


Follow the money: vested interests in processed food, pharma and the FDA.




The researchers who published fake results have committed a crime against humanity. They need to be prosecuted.


Can we please have the links to the studies, and to the debunking of the 2006 study? Great stuff as always.


Thank you Dr Perlmutter! I had been donating to The Alz Association until recently because I could not see any focus on teaching folks about insulin resistance and the only dietary directive they give is “eat a healthy diet”. I would like to support Alzheimer’s research and would be interested in hearing your suggestions on this. Thank you again.


I was telling my wife this the other day, that Alzheimer's looks like a metabolic syndrome disease involving a multi system failure.
I believe that stress, over eating and chronically elevated cortisol levels leading to excessively high blood sugar levels that cause neurological glycation and protein damage, a build up of toxins due to an impeded liver ad kidneys leading to oxidative stress in the brain from free radicals and toxin build up exacerbated by a sedentary lifestyle are the likely cause of dementia and Alzhiemer's.
There are some treatments that supposedly work well.
One is Dihexa. It stimulates BDNF 10 million times more than our own brain can. (using the intranasal route with a smaller amount works faster and more profoundly, in my experience.)
I have used it and it has a tremendous effect on the frontal lobe and executive function, memory, personality, emotional processing etc.
The others are amino acids and supplements.
L-Dopamine has been used by some for dementia symptoms.
Creatine may also be useful as part of a stack to rehydrate the cells and improve not only physical function, as it's now being used for geriatric patients, but to improve brain toxin clearance and to rehydrate the brain and organs so that they are more functional at producing and distributing electrolytes, hormones, neurotransmitters etc.
I don't want to see a single human being suffer from these preventable diseases.
If you have a family history of these diseases, start addressing it through lifestyle, activity and diet now and teach these tools to all subsequent generations.


FAKE!?! And it's been allowed to continue? This turns my stomach.


I would not regard Mayo as ultra processed food. I take 1 free range egg and a cup of olive oil with the juice of half a lemon and whisk. Boom. Add a shed load of cabbage, onion and carrot, and you have an accompaniment to any meat you fancy.


@ 5:45: Amyloid is in the brain for protection.
It seems like cholesterol with blood vessels and atherosclerosis.
Dr. Jason Fung often talks about how medicine is actually fighting with fireman instead of helping.


That's pretty angering, imagine what knowledge could've been gained about brain damage.


For the love of money is the root of all evil . Man those people mess up everything thank you for your truth.


Thank you doctor, my mother died from Alzheimer's and I can't put my finger on what might have caused it, she was never a glutton or overate sugary foods. I shrug.
