Rent-Vesting: Smart Financial Move or Foolish Mistake? 💡

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In the world of real estate, the concept of rent-vesting sparks heated debates and conflicting opinions. Is it a wise investment strategy or an ignorant choice?

My wife, Christina, raises a crucial point: "Isn't it stupid to pay rent instead of owning your own home?" It's a sentiment echoed by many, especially in Australia, where the belief that "rent money's dead money" is deeply ingrained. But I challenged this commonly held belief.

The key reason behind the misconception is that people aren't educated and don't understand the true meaning. Rent money, often viewed as a loss, can be strategically leveraged to create wealth and financial stability.

Rent-vesting, for the uninitiated, is a strategy that involves renting a property in a desirable location while simultaneously investing in other properties that generate income. By doing so, individuals can live in a location they desire while building a portfolio of income-generating assets. It's a powerful concept that requires careful planning, financial literacy, and a long-term perspective.


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When rent is more than a mortgage and at least when you buy a house the worth of it continuously increases then rent money is dead money.


Sooo what is the opinion here, are y’all pro renting or anti it? As Australians they probably understand there is a massive housing crisis across the country. Interests rates have gone up nine or ten times, rent is going up like crazy too. Most people can’t afford to buy, nor to rent. It’s not about a lack of education, it’s about lack of good governing and housing management. Also plenty of rich folks here prefer to rent their homes rather than buy, as it suits their lifestyles more, and works out more cost effective for them overtime. Houses are not merely assets - they are expenses. Once you own and pay off a mortgage, that doesn’t mean you stop spending money on the house, repairs, maintenance, renovation etc etc. Sick of seeing random folks like this pop up on YouTube promoting themselves as special secret keepers and pretending to be financial/housing/real estate experts, telling people their uneducated. From the look of your head George, you’ve got money to spend, a luxury most common Australian people and families do not have right now. Lots of people are choosing between rent, and feeding themselves. So what’s your point in this short clip, is the common ideology of rent = dead money something you agree with?
