The Importance of Tolerance

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Keynote Address
Dr. Jessica Allen
Assistant Professor of Biology, Roosevelt University

Roosevelt Student Research Symposium, 2022
Keynote Address: The Importance of Tolerance
Abstract: All living organisms have a limited amount of energy and resources they can use to overcome the myriad of challenges thrown at them - from infectious pathogens to seemingly impossible academic endeavors. As an immunologist, I study how organisms manage to mount costly immune responses against pathogens while still having enough resources left to repair the damage done and maintain all the other biological processes required to survive. In this talk, I will share not only what I have learned about the importance of sometimes tolerating rather than all-out fighting infections *and* what pursuing a career in research has taught me about tolerating the frustrations, challenges, and often painfully slow pace of discovery.
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Great content, I would love to hear more.
