Java Practice It | Exercise 10.11: stutter | ArrayList, collections, array list
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Write a method stutter that takes an ArrayList of Strings and an integer k as parameters and that replaces every string with k copies of that string. For example, if the list stores the values ["how", "are", "you?"] before the method is called and k is 4, it should store the values ["how", "how", "how", "how", "are", "are", "are", "are", "you?", "you?", "you?", "you?"] after the method finishes executing. If k is 0 or negative, the list should be empty after the call.
Write a method stutter that takes an ArrayList of Strings and an integer k as parameters and that replaces every string with k copies of that string. For example, if the list stores the values ["how", "are", "you?"] before the method is called and k is 4, it should store the values ["how", "how", "how", "how", "are", "are", "are", "are", "you?", "you?", "you?", "you?"] after the method finishes executing. If k is 0 or negative, the list should be empty after the call.