Use PyVISA to Program Test Tools with Python - Workbench Wednesdays

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If your test tools have a USB or LAN port, there is a good chance that they support SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments). Using pyVISA, you can write automated test programs for most equipment without needing expensive software. This video explains terms like VISA (Virtual Instrument Software Architecture), SCPI, and USBTMC (USB Test & Measurement Class). Then it shows you how to use Python and pyVISA to connect to test equipment with a Raspberry Pi or any Linux computer.
#0:00 Welcome to Workbench Wednesdays
#0:39 Bench DMM Example
#2:10 VISA, SCPI, and IVI
#5:38 GPIB, LXI, Ethernet, Serial, USBTMC
#8:21 Automated Bode Plot
#10:38 Gotchas
#12:47 Give Your Feedback
#testequipment #oscilloscope #digitalmultimeter #raspberrypi #python #pythonprogramming #scpi
#0:00 Welcome to Workbench Wednesdays
#0:39 Bench DMM Example
#2:10 VISA, SCPI, and IVI
#5:38 GPIB, LXI, Ethernet, Serial, USBTMC
#8:21 Automated Bode Plot
#10:38 Gotchas
#12:47 Give Your Feedback
#testequipment #oscilloscope #digitalmultimeter #raspberrypi #python #pythonprogramming #scpi
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