Use PyVISA to Program Test Tools with Python - Workbench Wednesdays

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If your test tools have a USB or LAN port, there is a good chance that they support SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments). Using pyVISA, you can write automated test programs for most equipment without needing expensive software. This video explains terms like VISA (Virtual Instrument Software Architecture), SCPI, and USBTMC (USB Test & Measurement Class). Then it shows you how to use Python and pyVISA to connect to test equipment with a Raspberry Pi or any Linux computer.

#0:00 Welcome to Workbench Wednesdays
#0:39 Bench DMM Example
#2:10 VISA, SCPI, and IVI
#5:38 GPIB, LXI, Ethernet, Serial, USBTMC
#8:21 Automated Bode Plot
#10:38 Gotchas
#12:47 Give Your Feedback

#testequipment #oscilloscope #digitalmultimeter #raspberrypi #python #pythonprogramming #scpi
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I've been a developer for a long time, but only started tinkering with electronics recently, and this was a great introduction for me. Didn't know about pyvisa at all, you've saved me a serious chunk of time


"So now, let's teach the intern about getting replaced by automation" 😂😂


Great video, I remember fooling with that GPib, I used visual basic for all my automation... Send the SCPI strings via the GPib interface card. We even had radios that responded to remote commands via serial port, so the test set and the radio worked together for basic tests, and build a file showing the go and no-go values. Back in the day of the PCI bus cards, I had a GPib card that would interface into the HP equipment...
I really enjoy your videos, well made, to the point and don't waste my time. I have to run them a bit slower at times, you talk very fast...
Thanks again.


I have a room full of GPIB instruments that I've always wanted to automate. This is a great avenue to explore!


Thank you very much for making this video! It's very useful. Keep it up!

EDIT: Also, it feels really good to have questions addressed in this detailed and easy to understand manner such as the ones I had in the Bode video. Thank you again!


I have a pretty sizable HP instrument collection and I have most of them all connected via the HP-IB bus to my instrument controller. Most of the software I have been using has been on Windows, some of the software I use is free such as GPIB tools, Timelab and Phase Noise, the other is a commercial product called HTBasic. The last couple of months I have been dabbling in Python to control some of my instruments over the GPIB bus with the help of Chat GPT, and so far it's been quite some fun. While I do not have any of these instruments connected via any spare RS-232 ports your video was very informative.


I had to do this in college with keysight instrumentation connected to windows and it was a pain in the butt to configure, it was all LAN but the school's network was terrible so there was always a problem and only a few stations could get it to work. When we did get it to work we used MATLAB and the coding was pretty straightforward, the professor would make us do extra so we would need to export the results and open them on Excel and create a graph (I know useless). I'm starting a job that requires me to test all day I can confirm SCPI is super useful


This was really helpful. In a company I worked we had all the stuff from Ni, that made it easy and expensive. Atm I try to get all the test automation stuff done with Python. I looked into Visa in the past but it was all quite confusing. This video helped a bunch, thank you very much. 😃👍


Thanks a lot, great overview!! Although I am on Windows and hope to get it running there as well! :)
Love your humor btw.


5:40 (...)" about 500 years ago Hewlett Packard was best known as a test and measurement company "(...)


Fantastic instructions. It's a crazy world out there !!!


Numpy and Matplotlib are my favorite python modules.


Earlier this year I tried to implement my Tier 1 vendors control software, and failed. I then went the Python route, and it worked pretty easily. I did need to use delays as well to get reliable responses.


Thanks for the great video. I wonder what your experience is with the speed performance between serial, USB and ethernet?


is it possible to mirror test equipment display onto a monitor by simply using a USB to HDMI adaptor ?


oh that is indeed very hnady Ineed to look into which of my equipment supports visa.


Interesting and informative video. Thanks.


Do I have to install NI-VISA before? If I have, which one should I install, Full or runtime. Thank you.


Hello, the test code is not available anymore on the website. Is there anyway to get it still?


Gee! I didn't know that I was over 500 years old.
