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I am a Choreographer/Dancer reacting and analysing choreography, mainly K-POP and J-POP (for now)

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Their slogan is:
"Kosei ya Jiyuu de Hamidashiteiku".
"With individuality and freedom, I'm gonna stick out".
As they say, "We strive to color outside the lines to deliver a full spectrum of joy and energy."


Atarashii Gakko are seemingly able to coordinate chaos to a beat. They are mad dancing magicians making maniacal movements to music. That's not something I thought I'd ever be into, but here I am. I love their enthusiasm and their realness. They are out to have a good time, and they are going to make sure everyone else does, too. You gotta love it


The random phrases they are rattling off are idiomatic expressions that are written with 4 kanji characters called "yojijukugo" that are often obscure or seldom used, but are required learning in a Japanese student's Japanese language class. The English translation of each of these expressions is shown in parentheses below each as they rattle them off. We have similar expressions in English, but in Japanese they often follow this standard 4 character format. For example, in English we might say "A bolt from the blue" where the Japanese equivalent would be "Sei Ten Heki Reki" (晴天霹靂). where "Seiten" is blue sky and "hekireki" is thunderbolt. One of the ones they say, Ishin Denshin (以心伝心), translates literally as "Same Mind Transmitted Mind" but would sound more natural in English as "Great Minds Think Alike" or "Heart-to-Heart Communication" or "Tacit Understanding". Some of these are pretty common in Japanese conversations and literature, but others are really obscure and seldom used. There are HUNDREDS of these 4-character idioms that Japanese students are expected to memorize for their exams, so this song is expressing the frustration of trying to remember all this useless information the "Night Before the Exam". They write and write but can't commit it to memory.


Love this video! Just the sheer amount of energy AG puts out is incredible. The song is a commentary on the amount of pressure students in Japan (and Asia in general) feel to excell in studies and here all the knowledge just keeps flying away, increasing the frustration.


See what I mean about AG being joyous and refreshing! They do all their own choreography so I think they are more invested in the dance than most groups. The one you pointed to with your mouse the second time is Rin and she has a "hip-hop" back ground and has another gig as a DJ. Also the camera man deserves some praise for keeping up with AG.

The song is about the frustrations of learning archaic Japanese four syllable idioms - an English example of such an idiom would be "a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush" although that obviously has more than 4 syllables. The whole beat of the song is based on that 1, 2, 3, 4 chant of the idioms. One section of the dance has them acting out trying to write the idioms on a blackboard. There are choreographed sections and parts where AG just go off act out their frustrations, they probably have an idea of their movements in those parts, but Kanon's slide into Mizyou when she's underneath the desk can't have been planned.

Next you should see them in concert, here are Nai Nai Nai and Otana Blue

and here is something from their more jazzy and quiet side.


The lyrics are japanese words consisted of 4 kanjis (chinese characters) that are very rare or very old and not used at all. With this song and dance the girls show the frustration of the students who are forced to take spelling exams that are useless and meaningless.


Can't wait, looking forward to this one!


This will be intersting! Atarashii Gakko is one of my favorite dance groups. They have a very powerful dance style that somehow still is soft but not necessarily graceful. I know this sounds almost contradictory but i don´t know how to explain it better. I hope xiaouiris will see other acts with them later, like some live or dance training.


I’m so sorry I missed the live chat! I’m currently stranded in London as all the trains have gone on strike 🫠 I had no idea it was going to go live! I’ll set another premiere sometime soon so we can all vibe together 🎉


Was really fun and always insightfull about dance subject for uneducated in this matter like me ! have a good rest for the week, you have a 2023 busy schedule 😅 I hope you'll enjoy PassCode that much too🥰


They are a very fun group. Their older stuff holds a lot of Jazz elements while their newer stuff is more Funk


Another talented Suzuka.
These girls have always had the vibe of the Japanese cultural scene of 50 years ago.


A quick who is who:
Suzuka - tall, short hair and glasses
Kanon- long straight hair
Rin - Permed hair (in this one. She changes her hair every so often)
Mizyu - Twin tails.


You should react to their dance practice, where you can see their whole choreo, its really fun to watch especially when they don’t take themselves seriously and just having fun.


This is so amazing hearing you talk about their style. I've loved them for a while but have never seen anyone put words to it like you do. Please please review their dance for WOO GO. It's the one one their channel where they are in the dance studio.


Please more AG! so refreshing and your analysis is so interresting! Take a look at "Koi Geba", one of my favorites.


i heard AG described as chaotic jpop (japanese pop) and that their dance moves are all self-choreographed.


I had never liked anything about dancing. Don't want to do it, don't want to watch others do it. Then along came Babymetal and I could not help but love their dancing. You have done so much to explain what's going on in their dancing and make it even more appealing. Previously, I would have ignored the dancing here by AG as a bunch of stupid flailing around but you make it make sense. 🙂
I still don't want to dance, I have zero talent for it, but I appreciate it a lot more.


The camera man? is nearly as wild as the dancers.


LMAO the subs says you are a Korean dancer, I laughed far longer at that then i should have.
Anyways thx for the video, its always nice to see one of your videos.
