A Green New Deal: Bill McKibben Hails Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Plan to Combat Climate Change
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A Green New Deal: Bill McKibben Hails Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Plan to Combat Climate Change
The Green New Deal, explained
Will the 'Green New Deal' bill pass?
Bill McKibben: Green New Deal Is a Chance to “Remake Not Just a Broken Planet, But a Broken Society”...
What is the Green New Deal? | Just The FAQs
AOC says 'bite the bullet' on $93 trillion Green New Deal
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Explaining the Green New Deal
Sen. Kennedy: Biden's infrastructure bill is really 'Green New Deal' and 'repara...
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What is the 'Green New Deal?'
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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Brands Climate Change Proposal As 'Green New Deal' | NBC News
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A new report estimates the Green New Deal would cost $93 trillion