Nachricht an das deutsche Volk
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Ich weiß, dass mein Deutsch nicht so gut ist, aber ich lerne. Versuche nicht so hart zu lachen, hee hee :).
Content Translated to English:
Hello my German friends how are you?
My name is Darion and I just wanted to say hello from America. I am an American that loves Germany, the food, the beauty of the country, and the best of all the german people.
Please excuse my German, I am not fluent but I am trying
I will be glad when the coronavirus is over so that I can get back to my home away from home which is Germany.
I wish you and the German people well and I am looking forward to my next visit to the beautiful country of Germany.
I hope that you subscribe to my youtube channel so that you may see my Journeys to your beautiful country.
Thank You, bye-bye.
Twitter - @PackGermany
#schweinfurt #germany#speakgerman
Content Translated to English:
Hello my German friends how are you?
My name is Darion and I just wanted to say hello from America. I am an American that loves Germany, the food, the beauty of the country, and the best of all the german people.
Please excuse my German, I am not fluent but I am trying
I will be glad when the coronavirus is over so that I can get back to my home away from home which is Germany.
I wish you and the German people well and I am looking forward to my next visit to the beautiful country of Germany.
I hope that you subscribe to my youtube channel so that you may see my Journeys to your beautiful country.
Thank You, bye-bye.
Twitter - @PackGermany
#schweinfurt #germany#speakgerman
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