Lovy Elias The WORST Preacher

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Does Lovy Elias Twist Scriptures?
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None of Lovy's clips were taken out of context. His defenders and idolizers will say so, but you won't see them state why what he says in any of the clips are Biblica. This man has been shown to give prophecies that don't come true and then say a prophet doesn't have to be right all the time. This man has twisted basic passages (Gen 2:19 - Adam didn't name the animals) just to make his point. He wants people to believe that he is God sent and that he has spent time in heaven and has an angel with him leading him. He is a classic wolf and his followers will seemingly go with him to hell voluntarily. If you believe my assessment of Lovy is wrong, please give a BIBLICAL defense of him and his statements


Jesus said to her, "Go, call your husband, and come back." The woman answered him, "I have no husband." Jesus said to her, "You are right in saying, 'I have no husband'; for you have had five husbands, and the man you are now living with is not your husband.

That scripture alone tells you that Jesus does not approve of fornication.


Whenever these preachers have this kind of bent towards sexual sins they are usually doing some type of sin in their personal lives.


As a single Christian woman who lives a Holy life because the Bible says be ye Holy because God is Holy and without Holiness none shall see the Lord, I am disgusted by a minister of the gospel saying unholy living (fornication) is not a sin. It is a sin. We must live a Holy life if we desire to live with God in Heaven. There should be a clear distinction between those who are Holy and truly following God and those who are unholy and not following God.


If a man looks at a woman with lust has committed adultery in his heart. So you cannot even look, which comes before the act.


Fornication is the word. 🙄 Plenty of scriptures on that.


Hebrews 13:4
“Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.”


In January of this year I was in Houston at a conference. I started talking to the lady sitting next to me and she was ranting and raving about this amazing Prophet. She said he was anointed and he was prophesying over people and he was so accurate. He was casting out demons ect. It kind of rubbed me the wrong way because it was almost like she was a fan. I told her I would check him out. I asked for his name again and she said Prophet Lovy. She was like he is from Africa and just check him out. Well the conference was a 3 day conference and I totally forgot to look him up. About a month later I saw a video of his and I started researching. I saw that he was in Simi Valley, CA and I was going to be in Simi Valley in a few weeks. So I made plans to visit his church on a Thursday. Let me tell you something I almost did not go into the church. Since I was already in the area I got there about 45 minutes before the service starts. They open the doors 30 minutes early. When I tell you there was a long so long it would put the Apple line when they release new iPhones to shame!!! As soon as I walked up to the line I heard the LORD say “even the elect will be deceived”. As I waited in this line the people in line were talking about him like he is GOD. I mean There were people who drove from surrounding states to come to a regular Bible study. People flew in from further states. I had to ask did I happen to come on a special day because it was insane. I overheard a man that lived in Arizona saying that he would have nightmares and feel guilty when he didn’t come. Then this lady was saying that she feels guilty when she doesn’t come. I was like what in the world. I had asked them how long do they think we will be in line and is it always like this and they said yes and that we would probably be in the first overflow room. There is a main sanctuary and two overflow rooms. So I ended in up the first overflow room. I stayed for about 40 minutes and I left early. That man is NOT from God the Father and he does not operate in the Holy Spirit. He is prophesying to people using divination. He speaks to familiar spirits. He twists the word and says that he is going deep. No sir you are teaching a new gospel. It is so sad. The LORD confirmed this to me in March and now I have seen several people exposing him as a false prophet. That’s exactly what he is a false prophet.


A lost soul with a microphone, 🎤 and a platform is a dangerous thing. 😢😢


Amen…people need to read the Word for themselves. On Judgement Day there will be no excuses.


I live close to that church. I'm a baby Christian. Of course I didn't understand what was wrong in his preaching, but thank you God, I felt very uncomfortable and saw that it was all about himself. He is extremely prideful. I felt more confused the more I listened to him. The people following him are not looking for God, they are looking for ways to make what they want to do right so they can keep doing it. It doesn't work that way. It's very dangerous because it almost sounds like the gospel.


I remember listening to him and hearing a VERY sound sermon from this man. The video was 28 minutes of an hour long sermon. I found the whole sermon and was excited until I heard him completely pervert the message of God very quickly the next 30 minutes while quoting scripture. 😮‍💨😔 I pray for this false prophet.


He’s not referring to the Lord Jesus Christ. He’s referring to a different spirit. A god he follows.


This is a classic case of "MARK AND AVOID"


The good thing about preachers like this is that they show who else is in darkness with them in agreement. Noel jones for starts just had this man preach at his church and gave him huge praise.


All those people saying "wow wow" and "thats good" is heartbreaking 7:42


Why don't these men just get a normal job instead of fooling people.


He’s preaching the gospel sinners want


His teachings is not of God so I wouldn’t refer to him as a Preacher.


Twisting the Scriptures to Their Own Destruction.
