Meet the Angels of Lyra

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Beyond the 11D Stargate of Lyra lies the unicorn realm. Here an ocean of pure white light holds all the qualities we need to ascend fully into the upper levels of the fifth dimension.

On 22nd October the Stargate of Lyra was unlocked to allow humanity to crack open the Stargate to release more unicorn light.

The frequency has risen so much over the past month that at last Archangel Christiel is allowing us entry into the Unicorn Kingdom beyond the Stargate. It is an awesome and life changing experience to immerse yourself in pure unicorn energy!

You will meet the Dragons and Angels of Lyra and receive their specific energies and codes of light.

You will also meet your own personal unicorn, connect with your team of unicorns and learn how to direct them. Some have a small team, others a huge one. You will work with pure unicorn light and receive codes of Unicorn Healing. Some will be initiated as Unicorn Ambassadors.

During this Masterclass you will:

*Enter the Stargate of Lyra

*Merge with Archangel Christiel’s pure light

*Receive Love, Peace and Light codes from the Angels and Dragons of Lyra

*Connect deeply with your team of unicorns

*Receive heart-light and healing from the unicorns

*Become a Unicorn Healer

*Raise your frequency to the 7D or higher

This is a life changing Master Class. You receive downloads of high frequency light and master new skills. When you become a Unicorn Healer new doors of opportunity open.

Unlimited access to the Recording included. £11

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I received my cue to sign up, I was number 111 on likes. Looking forward to this. Much love 💓💓💓


I will be here for sure! Love to you and Unicorns and all light entities who are with my everytime! 💕💕💕 My wings are higher than ever after October 22nd 🙏🙏🙏 Diana


I am new to you Diana and I am very attracted to your divine energy…i have a question….I studied at an ashram for 25 years so I am unfamiliar with things you speak of and familiar only with Supreme Consciousness (I am not enlightened )…..but I have always found ahinsa which means non-violence my first and foremost principal….I have never seen other beings but would I benefit from this class…..or maybe this is not the place to ask…..i am also not so tech savvy…..thank you … to you…❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


I paid for this but have never received a link - its Monday 20th Nov now almost 7pm- Time to listen still no link and no reply to my query. What a shame _ was looking forward to the unicorn realm- You took my money and haven't delivered - very disappointing!
